Chapter Two

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^Pic of J-A-N up top^

  -Jackson-Andrew (Noah) POV-

I sat at my desk stacked with paperwork, surrounded by my two best friends and my second and third command. Daniel my Beta stood over my left shoulder as we stared at the map in front of us. While my Gamma Alexander paced angrily in front of the desk. 

"The rogues are getting more bolder every day. We may not know whos egging them on now, but if we don't find out soon we could be in for some trouble." Alex said.

"Let alone if they go after the smaller packs," Daniel adds. I sighed deeply knowing this could quickly escalate into something bigger.

"We need to heighten our border patrols and alert all packs. Have them ready at any moment; if they attack one of us, they attack all of us."

"Understood Alpha!" Alex goes to speak to our patrols, and Daniel goes to call all of the American packs. I stand taking one last look at the map in front of me before circling the most recent sighting, and attack. Sighing again I rolled up the map and headed outside.

Shifting quickly I began to run using all my speed and pushing myself faster. 'Finally! Les go! I thought we would be stuck in that office all day again!'  Faze yelled at me. '

Sorry, it has been a long month.'  I'd been stuck in either my office or meeting almost all day for about a month or so. Even I was starting to get cramped; Faze on the other hand loathed it.

'LETS GO!'  Faze yelled again, this time taking control of our body and pushing our body to the absolute limit. As I started to pant, Faze slowed down, and handed me back control of our body. 

I walked for a while before coming close to the edge of our territory, and the town that internally bordered it. Shifting back I grabbed a shirt, some jeans and a pair of flip-flops hidden in one of the spots behind a tree.

I started to walk towards the small town off of the larger city of . . . St. Louis I believe. I continued to walk until I heard a twig snap behind me. Turning around I saw ten rogues coming out of the brush behind me.

Snarling I shifted into my midnight-black wolf, just as they sprang. Feeling claws rip down my back I rolled over crushing the wolf under me, before jumping up and shredding his stomach. Snapping my jaws at another as more circled me. Trying to get behind me as I kept moving.

Dogging a set of jaws I contacted Alexander and my second warrior Jaxen. 'There are ten rogues on the northeast border. Send a patrol, now.' 

'Shit Alpha, please tell me your not engaging rouge again!' Alex said in angry exaggeration. 

'Just shut up and get over here.' I said cutting off the link.

While I had been communicating Faze had managed to kill five of them and knock one unconscious. I let out a ferocious snarl as I took back control. 

Lunging forward I tore the throught out of the brown coated rouge in front of me, just as one of them managed to get behind me and grab my back leg. I turned and slashed his muscle just as he cracked down and broke the bone.

Howling in pain I made a final lunge at the last two wolves causing them to scatter, and run in opposite directions away from me. I knew I had to stay on my feet so I begin stumbling through the woods. 

Limping and dragging my back leg, while limping on the opposite front leg. Whitch ya, it is fuckin hard!

Finally the trees started to thin and opened into a clearing behind, what looked like a condo. Looking around I saw a small river running through the edge of the woods. 

And in the river sitting on one of the up-protruding rocks, shin-deep in water, was a girl. 'A goddess! Am I dead???' Faze whines dramatically in my head. Though his description was fitting.

She was on the shorter side but slender, not too skinny but not fat either. She was pale, almost snow-white, but with a touch of tan; that seemed more natural than if she actually tanned. I unknowingly put weight on my front paw, trying to look big and impressive. 

Being stupid as I am I cause the pain to penetrate my thoughts, and ram me at full throttle. A whine slipped through my jaws, causing the girl to whip around and jump up almost instantly.

Her whight'ish-long hair whirled with her, as her silver-blue-golden-green and to my shock violet eyes stared at me wide with shock. I watched her take me in in only an instant before her entire body seemed to soften.

"Oh, you poor boy!" She said softly. I gave another painful whine as I stared at her before I couldn't take it anymore and collapsed hard on the forest floor. 

Panting hard from the pain I held my eyes shut tightly. I felt her rush over, and lean over me. I would have laughed if I could when I felt her try to find my pulse.

I could feel her kneel besides me and stayed still as she slowly pushed her arms underneath me; try and does stand up. 

Surprising me because of how much I weight, and though I know most of its muscle, I'm still heavy. Feeling her shift into balance, she began carrying me toward the house. Just as I began to black out.

Frantically I hear Faze trying desperately to tell me something. But in the end; it's lost in the darkness of my mind and the sweet scent of water, vanilla, and the forest.

What do you think so far???

The Nimir RaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ