Chapter 67

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The Demon Lord brought Y/N to the side. "Uh, hey."

"I'm not taking quests from you."

"What if it affects your world?"

"I'm listening."

"Look, bringing humans here wasn't my first idea. In order to decrease the need for human males, I planned on getting males from your world. My first and dumbest idea was transporting monsters to your world."

"That's the dumbest fucking thing I've heard."

"So... uh... the problem's been escalating, and Halloween is the only time they actually come out of their castles."

"But it was July when I was there last. How did the clock go forward that quickly?"

"Imagine this:" The Demon Lord created two purple orbs. "These orbs are each rotating at different speeds. Your world was created by inferior human magic, so the speed is sloppier. The time speed fluctuates at random."

"So, you could create another universe?"

"You needed 12 humans to make one. I could call four of my lilium and we could make one much more stable than yours."

"Sure..., but anyway, what do I need to do?"

"The monsters have been hunted for hundreds of years, so they've been hiding from humans. They're probably in dire need of love. I need you to save them."

"...fine. For the people. What kind?"

"A vampire,"


"A ghost,"

"Fuck you."

"And a Werewolf."

The Demon Lord made an unzipping gesture in the air, and tore open a rift between the worlds.

Y/N stepped in, and the Demon Lord followed him in. She then opened up a jar and the rift was sucked into it.

"Just open the jar and it's a ticket between worlds. It has infinite uses, in case you're interested."

And in a flash, she vanished back to her world.

"Well, where am I supposed to find them?" He asked aloud, only to see a Halloween festive behind him.

"Guess they're in here somewhere."

You'd guess right. A voice said in his head.

Y/N jumped. "The fuck?"

I'm the ghost you're seeking. I can't manifest into a physical form without Spirit Energy, so I just kinda follow the other monsters around. But when I felt you in this plane, I had to check it out. It seems my instinct was correct, you are a follower of the Demon Lord.

"Follower isn't the word I'd use."

Nevertheless, let's find the others.

Y/N entered the festival, seeing children dressing up, adults watching them, and teenagers being asses.

Hmm... where are they?

"Hey, if you're gonna follow me, what's your name?"

Just call me Sammy.

"Oh, okay and-"

"Excuse me." A hand grabbed Y/N by the shoulder. He turned to see a woman dressed up in a vampire costume.

"Hi, Dracula, nice to meet you." She said, shaking his hand.

"Are you a-"

"Vampire, yeah..." she said. Her skin was incredibly pale with red eyes. Her hair was pure black and fangs stuck out from her purple lips. "I can smell the Demonic Energy on you." She said, leaning forward.

"Uh, I'm here to take you all home."

Yeah I heard.

"Oh please!" Dracula... Y/N assumed. "I hate it here. I have to hide from humans all year, I have barely any source of food besides insect and rodent blood, and I'm bored."

"So... are you THE Dracula or..."

"Well, yes and no. I started the trend when I first appeared to people, but they all went nuts with the tall tales and movies, I didn't do anything to it."

"Okay, a ghost, a vampire. Now for the werewolf."

"You mean the one behind you?"

Y/N turned to see a woman with a wolf tail and ears, sniffing the air around.

"Jesus how fucking coincidental that you all were here."

Yes, yes it is.

The Werewolf got near and smelled him, drawing weird looks from every single human in the festival.

"You smell... nice." She said gruffly, her tail wagging. "Sadie likes."

"Lovely. All three, and it was easier than I expected and-"

"Hey, you three!" A middle aged white man ran over. "I'm working for a movie agency and those effects on your costumes look phenomenal, how can I-"

Before he finished, he was cut off by Y/N opening the jar and the monsters, him, and in accident, the movie producer were sucked into the rift.

He emerged with the monsters and the guy, who was still talking.

"Convince you to work for me and... where are we?" He asked, surprised.

Y/N and the monsters looked around. They were in Kawa's backyard, and they walked into the temple.

"Wait! Where am I-" suddenly a Harpy swooped down and lifted him up into the air, flying him to her nest.

Y/N looked back. "Well, that guys screwed.

-Insert Jojo's 'to be continued' arrow.

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