Chapter 27

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Y/N slowly woke up, and looked around him. The worm had tightened to the size of a sleeping bag, and the jaws remained closed. Charlotte slept peacefully beside him, hugging him tightly.

He smiled at her, and attempted to separate the jaws of the worm. It slowly opened, and Charlotte let out a small yawn.

Y/N crawled out of her, and looked around, seeing Betsy and Katie in the kitchen.

"Hey Katie, I thought you slept in?" Y/N asked.

"Well, I thought I'd make everyone something special for breakfast."

"It's because the Demon Lord is here, isn't it? You're afraid of your boss?"

Katie crossed her arms. "Maybe..."

Y/N opened the fridge, and got a bottle of milk. As he filled up a cup, he chugged it. It was different, he couldn't put a finger on why though.

When he finished, he noticed Katie trying not to laugh, and Betsy was bright red.

"What's wrong?" Y/N asked.

"Y-you drank my m-milk..." Betsy said shyly.

Y/N's eyes widened, "holy... I'm sorry!" He said to her.

Betsy blushed even redder. "Don't be sorry, did you like it?" She asked him softly.

Y/N didn't really know what to say to that.

Time Skip

Katie served everyone breakfast, and surprisingly, it actually was pretty good. Yeah, it was bacon, pancakes, and eggs, but somehow it all tasted better.

"Do you like it?" She asked Y/N, who nodded.

"How'd you learn to cook so well?" He asked her.

"Well... we Succubi aren't taught about pleasuring men sexually all the time, we also learn to pleasure their taste buds as well..." she said.

"That... doesn't make sense."

"Sigh... we learn how to be wives, so we learn how to cook."

The Demon Lord nodded, and she looked it over. "The eggs were slightly burnt and the bacon was a little too crunchy, but overall, you did good." She commented.

After breakfast, Druella and the Demon Lord looked outside.

"Well, the rains cleared up, so we're going back home." The Demon Lord said, and Druella cheered.

"Does that mean the vacation's done?" She asked, her eyes locking on to Y/N.

"No, not yet, patience. We'll be back on our shifts when we get to the Forest Continent."

And just like that, they disappeared with a purple flash.

Time Skip

Y/N walked outside, by himself of course (he does need some alone time).

As he walked through the Kawa's garden, blooming with flowers in red, pink, yellow, and blue. Sakura trees in permanent flowering dotted the area. A fountain depicting a small statue of a Ryu in its original form was spraying water from its mouth.

As he walked, he heard crying.

He rushed over to the sound to see a woman crying in the garden.

"Ma'am, may I ask, why are you crying?" He asked gently.

She looked up, her blonde hair shining bright, and her eyes bright blue.

"Oh it's nothing... I've just had a bad day... I was fired from my job..." she said, and Y/N decided to comfort her.

"It's fine... tell me all about it. How about I take you in, first though? The temple always allows people inside if they need it."

He picked her up bridal style and walked her into the temple, wondering why she was in the garden in the first place.

He walked inside, and sat her down. Oddly enough, everyone was gone. He saw a note left on the counter.


Gone on a shopping trip.

The girls

Wow, it's almost as if some author wanted a lazy excuse to get these two characters alone...

Y/N sighed, he guessed it was for the better. If they saw ANOTHER girl with him, they'd probably flip their lid.

"So... you hungry?" Y/N asked.

"Oh yes please!" She said.

"By the way," Y/N said, grabbing some bread, "didn't get your name."

"Oh, it's Carolyn..." she said happily.

"Well Carolyn, do you like turkey sandwiches? I'm sorry it's not much, but..."

"Yes, if course." She said happily, and stretched. "So, is there some other agenda with taking me here?" She said smirking.

Y/N chuckled, "Nope, I'm just helping a woman feel better about losing her job," He said, pouring her water.

"Really? Because when most men see me, they just want to get into my pants."

"Well, I've got no need for that... I live in a monster filled temple after all." Y/N handed her the food.

"Oh, of course." She replied, biting into it.

"So... do you mind me asking what you're job was?"

"Oh... yeah..." she said, suddenly getting somber again, "my job was wonderful... but then I was cast out for disobeying orders."

"What orders?"

"Well, I couldn't make more than one person fall in love with the same man."

"Wait... What?"

Carolyn smiled, and she glowed bright yellow. When it dimmed down, she was wearing a very revealing light pink outfit, with pink wings coming out of her back. Even her hair color changed to a pinkish tone. A bow and arrow was slung across her back, and she smiled down at him.

"Yes, I used to serve Eros, as a Cupid." She said gently. She wrapped her arms around him, "and for some reason or another, I ended up here. I think it was fate for us to meet."

"So you're the reason I have this harem?"

"Not at all... the Demon Lord explained it herself, didn't she?" Carolyn asked, trailing her hand under his shirt. "The mark of monsters, the heart symbol... it brings us together..."

Outside, a Inari and a man were sitting on opposite sides of a fountain, and Carolyn aimed her bow, without even looking, and shot the two with her love arrows.

"And now sweetie you'll have more than monsters to love... the game is open... for angels."

Whew, that took me way longer than it should, but how did you like it? Also, despite my original plan, Druella is currently not going to be in the harem. Currently. The other monster I have planned is different. Anyway, be sure to vote, follow, and comment, and I'll see you all next time!

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