Chapter 8

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Stephanie's pic above

Nora's Pov
It's been almost a year now and everything has gotten better ,I've learnt how to use most of my powers I have the power to create earth quakes, to feel movement on the ground ,the weather automatically reacts to my emotions and their so many other powers I have that I can't begin to explain

Riker and I have gotten closer after I told everyone that he was my guardian , he's my best friend and he knows everything about me

I've gotten use to the pack now that I go to school with everyone and I've had my pack ceremony and today is my birthday I'm going to be 19 ,I don't want to celebrate my birthday cause it reminds me of Austin, even if I'm over him I still feel the pain of him being with other females .

"happy birthday Nora " Riker said while entering my room without knocking

"yeah celebration of one year mateless " I said in a sarcastic tone

"it's your birthday don't be sad, look what I got you " he said while handing me a big grey teddy bear

"oh my gosh I love it "I said while grabbing it and squeezing it

"OK now let's go out for the whole day, I'll do whatever you want " Riker said while dragging me off bed

"good I'm going to the mall and your paying for everything "I said while grabbing my purse and leaving my room

"bye guys" I said to everyone while exiting the house not waiting for any one to answer me then I stepped into Riker's car and immediately he got in we drove off

When we got to the mall I dragged Riker into almost every single store I could find

"please can we take a break, we've been going at this for five hours, I'm hungry " Riker complained while dragging me towards a food court

"fine but we have thirty minutes " I told him

"yes ma'am "

Then we ate for a while and we stood up and we were about to go into a jewelry store but Riker went to the bathroom, when he left I accidentally bumped into someone and all my bags fell

"oh I'm so sorry I... " then it hit me, that scent the perfect earthly and woodsy scent, I have to see this man ,he couldn't possibly be my second chance right, naa

'well we'll never know if you never see him " mella said getting frustrated

I hesitantly looked up and saw him looking at me, he was handsome way better looking than Austin, he was physically well built with jet black hair and the most captivating green eyes 

I reached out to touch him but he just gave me a look of hatred and disgust and left

Then I felt a wave of pain hit me but I held it in and didn't say anything, then I picked up all my bags and when Riker came I said

"let's go, I don't want to shop anymore"

"are you ok you look hurt, is it from Austin " Riker said with a look of pity on his face

"no it's fine, I just want to go home " I said back and Riker nodded and we left

The ride home was silent, I was thinking about how pathetic I am, the moon goddess gave me another chance at happiness and I just ruined that too

When we got home I opened the door and I smelt him, I looked up to see him looking at me again but I couldn't say anything, I just stood still then Stephanie said while dragging me towards him

"that's Nora the girl I was just talking about, Nora meet my older brother Alpha Rowan "

"hi" was all I managed to squeak out

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