Chapter 4

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Pic of Ryan (the guy that attacked nora) above

Nora's pov

I woke up with the sound of my stupid alarm clock I couldn't get up, no matter how gently I tried my lower abdomen to my upper thigh hurt a lot, I used all my strength to get up and gently take a shower I decided to wear a black and white striped gown with a jacket around my waist

I woke up with the sound of my stupid alarm clock I couldn't get up, no matter how gently I tried my lower abdomen to my upper thigh hurt a lot, I used all my strength to get up and gently take a shower I decided to wear a black and white striped ...

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then I went downstairs and ate my breakfast quietly and I went to school

I was having a bad feeling through out the day, as I was waking towards my locker and it was like I blacked out for a second cause it was all happening so fast

the next thing I knew every one was running away from rogues and a lot of people were dead already and I saw Josh but he was with Drake and they were both attacking my pack, I can't believe that Josh is part of the rogues I'm not surprised about Drake, I knew that there was something off about him .

A hand pulling me away dragged me from my thoughts and I looked up to see Amanda running while pulling me out of school

"I need to go home, I need to check on my parents" I said while now running beside Amanda

"are you crazy the rogues will kill you before you get half way" Amanda said still while running

"let's stay in the pack house until the war is over then you can go see your parents" she continued

"fine" I said then Josh came and blocked us and he said with a small smile

"Nora you didn't even say goodbye to your friend before leaving, that's rude"

"we stopped being friends the second you thought about betraying me and this pack Josh " I said in irritated tone while taking a step forward

"you have no idea what this pack did to me, they deserve to die but not you and I will spare your life on one condition, you let me mark you as my mate" he says while his eyes raking my body from head to toe while smirking

That smirk that used to give me such comfort now irritates me

"I rather remain unmated" I said eyeing him with disgust

"well you had your chance" he said and it was like I knew what he was about to do

I stepped aside as he was about to grab me then I kicked the back of his leg with so much force that it snapped and he fell to the ground and I gave him a hard punch and his nose broke and started bleeding

Hair started to appear all over his body and I gave him a few punches on his stomach to stop him from shifting and he tried to punch me but I dodged it and I hit his face with my elbow then he fell to the ground and I twisted his neck till it cracked and I left him lifeless on the ground,

I can't believe I just killed someone, I have never even been in a fight before well if you minus Tiffany but I think all those extra hours in the gym payed off .

"Amanda let's go" I shouted but she didn't move it was like she was paralyzed with shock, then I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the direction of the pack house.

We have been in the pack house for hours and finally the war was over, I immediately ran home searching for my parents but the what I saw horrified me

There were so many dead wolves laying on the ground but then I saw them, my parents also laying lifeless on the ground and a tear slid down my eye but as the first one fell they just kept coming down as I ran over to the dead bodies of my parents

I held my mom's face in my hands and I just started shaking her, praying to the moon goddess for a miracle then I did the same to my dad then he opened his eyes a little and said

"Nora... run, don't let them... find you... please" then he died in my hands

"dad... dad please.... wake up dad please..." I said while crying uncontrollably

It's not fair I thought to myself, why me, I get bullied, rejected and now I loose my parents, I will have my revenge on every one that ever used me , I will no longer be a push over, I will stand up for myself, I'm an alpha and they will all regret taking advantage of me no matter what it takes .

I stood up I walked towards the forest, I can't take this I just can't, I don't know what I did to the moon goddess to make her punish me like this

I looked back at the destruction once again and It was identical to the picture that I drew in art class, weird, after one last look I ran into the forest, I ran as as fast as I could and I ran until my legs started to hurt then I tripped and fell, really all it took was a stupid twig to bring me down.

"what are you doing in my territory you rogue" a male voice said which makes me stand immediately

"answer me rogue" he said in a harsh tone and I scowled at him for calling me a rogue

"answer me" he yelled at me, who the fuck does he think he is does he know who I am

'he obviously doesn't' mella said talking to me for the first time in a while

"oh thank the goddess mella I thought you left me too"

'I will never leave you, no matter what'
A punch to the side of my stomach brought me out of my thoughts and I hissed at the pain

"next time I ask you a question you answer immediately you stupid rogue" he said 

He threw another punch but I dodged it like a boss and punched him in the face breaking his nose, that's two noses in one day I'm on a roll

He held his nose and I used this as an opportunity to kick him straight in the gut with all my strength which sent him flying back into a tree and he laid there unconscious, I was about to leave when I felt something pierce my skin and it burned but I ignored it but I got a second shot and then I fell unconscious.



Sorry for the short chapter, and I hope you liked it even though it was kind of boring but I promise the next one will be way better



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