Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"You would not believe, what I heard from Laura. OH WAIT! Omg, are you feeling better?Do you need some meds or crap?! DON'T DIE ALLY!"

Clenching my teeth, I eyeballed the closet to my left and silently prayed that Tyler's body would not fall out. Sarah continued to make my ears bleed as she set her grocery bags onto my counter while putting some foreign looking foods away. But even as she wrestled with the bags while trying to yank the strange food out, her mouth continued to run. Making me wonder how I got stuck with the most annoying person on earth as my best friend.

"So then Hilary told Megan, that Mike liked Jane. But Hilary lied cause she had a secret thing for Mike's older brother Jack. Who Megan likes too, but Jack secretly fancies Jane. Which I totally don't get, because I mean hello! She is like the most annoying person on earth!"

Noticing my bored expression, she sheepishly smile before walking over and putting her hand on my forehead.

"Well, you don't have a fever..."

Letting out a heavy sigh, I ushered her towards my bedroom. Trying not to cringe at the thought of her snooping through my stuff. But at least she would be as far away from the closet as possible. Even as I closed the door, I could still hear her talking and I heaved a sigh before walking towards it.

On the outside, the closet seemed to be small but on the inside it actually got wider and had more room. It seemed to be the ideal place to put your former friends body if you think about it. However, as I opened the door, instead of Tyler, I was hit by a wave of shock.

Where is it?

The faint smell of tobacco and a few discarded cigerate buds were cast onto the ground. But the corpse was gone, along with my sanity. Dead bodies don't just disappear, it takes days for them to even start breaking down. So how does a full grow man, disappear from a closet in plain sight? HE WAS DEAD, I'm sure of it. Fear suddenly gripped my insides,

"What if he wasn't all the way dead?..."


Snapping out of my thoughts, a scowl covered my face as I slammed the door closed. I'll figure it out when she is gone.

Walking into my room, I screamed at what I saw....

All my hunting gear was cut up and put together in dresses or skirts. She even managed to somehow add pink into my wardrobe. My mind was bottled as she grinned up at me in excitement,,

"Don't you just love it?!"

Clasping the bridge of my nose in my fingers, I stomped over to her and yanked her up by her boney arm.

"Who peed in your lucky charms?"

Gritting my teeth, I dragged her to my front door, with a hard shove she fell to the ground and yelped. Glaring down at her, I whispered,

"When will you learn how to grow up?!"

Ignoring her heart broken expression, I slammed the door in her face before sliding to the ground. I don't know who took the body but I'm going to find out. I don't know how they slipped past me without me noticing but they have another thing coming. I'm not a fragile little girl and I think I've met a worthy opponent.

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