Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"Do not show mercy, Alaine." my father steeled.

I watched as he continued to torture the helpless woman, while ignoring her tear jerking plees of agony. Even though I was eight, I still knew that if I so much as flinch, my father would just torture her even more. My body was numb and my eyes turned blank as the woman tried to claw her way to me for protection. Gashes and open wounds, covered her from head to toe, as her body lay limply on the ground, still reaching an arm out to me as if expecting me to help her. I made not sign of moving under my dad's beady eyes and was filled with relief when he seemed satisfied with my response.

"She is turning into you!" the woman spat.

Only exceeding in broadening his smirk even more,

"No, she is turning into a well trained purifer."

Ignoring his response and gritting her teeth as he sent a swift kick to her ribs, she turned back to me for help, one last time.

"Don't let him do this Alaine. I'm your mother, does'nt that mean anything to you?"

I starred into the eyes of the beaten down woman before me. The same woman who has fed, changed, and cared for me since I was born into this world. She reads stories to me at night when I had nightmares, and scares away the monsters in my closet. She plays with me, even though the other kids are scared and ignore me. Not to mention that she says, "I love you" to me every day.

But as I scanned her bloodied and bruised face, I simply stated,

"You have disobeyed the rules of a Purifier. Therefore, my mother died the moment you decided to break the rules. You have been sentenced to a death penalty."

Her eyes grew wide with horror as she starred at her eight year old daughter, who had just sentenced her to death. My dad chuckled as he grabbed her by the roots of her hair, and yanked her off the floor. A knife placed firmly pressed to her neck but not killing her. His eyes sparkled as he looked at me with an expectent look on his face,

"Since you are my daughter, I will give you the pleasure of doing the honors."

Stepping forward, I grabbed the hilt of the knife from his meaty palm and trembled as she looked down at me. That last thing I heard was,

"I love you"

Before I slit her throat.

(End of Flashback)

I jolted awake with sweat dripping down my forehead and the sheets of my bed, sticking to my legs. I was automateicly hit with the force of my massive hangover, drawling a pained sigh from my mouth. After meeting that vampire, I tended to have a bit more drinks in between shifts than I usaully have. Now memories and head aches have come back for revenge. Looking down at my sheets, I also noticed that they were splatterd with blood and mud.

"What the.."

Dried blood clung to my finger nails and my hands were stiff and cracked, covered with it too! I'm not going to lie and say this has'nt happened before, because whenever I'm drunk, I have the tendency to wake up covered with evidence of a new murder victim. The only problem was, finding the body before someone else did. You would'nt believe some of the places I ended up finding them at...

Jumping out of bed, I opened the door to the living room and gasped loudly in shock,


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