The Greatest Wizard of All Time (Chapter 31)

Start from the beginning

"I am the descendent of Salazar Slytherin! He did us proud! He was the one right! And now it is my plan, to finish his job!" Sophie grasped her wand and clutched it with brutal force, leaving marks on her hands. Harry glanced over at Ginny ,who was as pale as a ghost, and then back at Tom. "Why do you need her? Both of them?"

"Ginny's life can make me more powerful! I'm a memory Harry! I'm indestructible! She's dying this very second! Funny what magic can do." Harry narrowed his eyes at Ginny.

"Wh-Wh-What a-about M-Mi-Mia?!" Draco cried. You felt genuinely sorry for him. You knew he liked her (she looked like ice) and you also knew you were on speaking terms. He highered the corner of his lip when seeing you. That lifted something up for you. For once.

"Oh-I only need her for her powers." He laughed. "You wouldn't believe it if I said she paid me a little visit. Actually wanting to help me. She seemed so desperate. I guess she has her dream. Helping me."

"Using her. Benefiting it only for yourself." Sophie tightened the grip on her wand.

"Yes- and her powers will all be transferred to me so she won't-"

"S-She won't what?" Draco glared

"She won't have negative energy, meaning that I'll be the Greatest Sorcerer in the world!"

"No!" Harry bellowed. "Albus Dumbledore is the Greatest Sorcerer in the world! No one will or ever beat him!" Harry's anger was turned to Ginny. The normal happiness on her face was gone, replaced by a petrified and scared one. He noticed her clutch a diary. You saw it read 'Tom Malvolo Riddle'. Harry then drew his wand pointing it at Riddle but Tom just grasped it without difficulty and smirked at the Gryffindor.

"Sad." Riddle said completely unharmed.

"Give me back my wand Tom!" Harry breathed.

"By the way Mia could die, but, who really cares, I mean she could-" Tom ignored Harry as you could feel the steam coming out from Sophie's ears. She immediately held up her wand and shouted "Crucio!" Tom deflected it with complete ease, however, and a shot of blue and black sparks erupted through his hands, hitting Sophie square in the chest. She fell back immediately with a black and blue hole through her, below the bottom of her head.

"No!" You scream, sprinting to her. You used your hand to touch her arm. She was boiling. Like fire.

"Don't bother." Riddle spat "It's not worth your time." He then turned to Harry and Draco. "Now as I was saying, she could die but she isn't powerful enough to now that I've took her powers away from her so-"

"No." Draco muttered. "She is twice more powerful then you'll ever be! She's mine and because of you she's well, broken, but , you know what? You've done her a favour because when she recovers she'll be completely free! Free from the power that scarred her! And you would of done nothing!"

Riddle stepped to him. "That wasn't a good idea." Tom raised his right hand and words slithered out of his mouth in Parseltounge. You could hear the weight of the Chamber lower as a creature, longer than a fire hose, comes sliding down, cascading into the water. The diary (now covered in sewage) remained completely untouched still in Ginny's arms. Harry noticed this yet pretended to pay no attention. "Because of your mother!" Tom pointed to you "she gave me the power I needed to return to my full strength! She is one of my greatest followers! You could be just like her! Help me to conquer the world! You would be good! You would be the best! Me and you
Y/N! Me and you against everyone else!" He holds out his hand but without hesitating you resist it.

"Never!" You spat. You notice Harry glance over at the diary again. Riddle's innocent smile changes to his anger. The snake in the pool comes slithering out, wanting an order from his master. Tom says something in Parseltounge and the snake comes your way!

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