Twelve- End

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Alek stared at the spot where she had been- she had slipped through their fingers and he had an inkling he knew why. The wolf across from him was attached to her as surely as he was- and that made his blood burn. It was purely out of respect for her that he didn't go and decapitate the ugly mutt on the spot. Instead he motioned his head to the door and they all left before the wolves could make a move. It cost him some of his reserved strength to move so fast- but he had made sure he was well fed before this meet.

Even though he had never read the books left to Trace's legacy her mother had told him enough to know that she simply needed to recuperate.  She would need to be found though because even someone as powerful as her needed honed and protected. He never imagined the stories to be true or that he would be so entwined with her, that beautiful little girl he had doted on now a full lush woman.

Everything burned in him to find her- and so he would. He would do anything to protect her- even if it made him weak in the eyes of other covens.

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