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Trace awoke with a start, the smell of bacon wafting about making her stomach growl. She was hungry but she felt the same feeling as before- a hot cold sensation prickling her body. It had been happening since they had brought her to their home for a few years now and it was getting worse. It would pass but it made it hard to breathe.

She remembered the day they found her- she remembered what happened. Her mother had locked the doors, her dad had shifted and they were in the cottage they had been living in for several years. They were being attacked and somehow he had gotten inside. His eyes where a sharp silver, hair in inky black- even though everything about him drew her in as a child even now she recoiled at the thought her flesh crawling. He was like an angel; he held her and murmured it would be alright.

But it wasn't alright; he bit her on the neck. He had drunk her blood- there was a huge flash of light and then she was in the middle of the woods bleeding and helpless. The dark angel of the night had tainted her and destroyed her family. She had no doubt it was him behind what had happened. Because of him, that beautiful terrible angel she would never be a pack member, not truly. Even though she was basically a human she also could never go back to the human world, he would likely find her in a moment's notice and then she would turn on her own kind.

The thought pained her heart. She never wanted to hurt her own kind, it wasn't just the memories of her father and the smell as he rubbed against her and held her close- it was the pack that had rescued her that also held her. Without a thought they took her in despite being a cub from a lone wolf family. Despite the bite, the shifting, the fact that she was a rabid animal they all accepted her and protected her.

Well almost all- the acceptation was Nick and his groupies. But they could never do serious harm to her since the Alpha had command. They messed with her and called her names- but the Alpha never allowed abuse to occur in his pack like any good Alpha. You often end up with lone wolfs because of cruel Alphas, a good leader was more than a strong fighter.

"Trace, are you up!? Are you, are you, are you!" Came the sing song voice.

Lilly- one of the youngest who had shifted at thirteen two weeks ago came bounding in jumping on her bed. The prickling sensation was fading and barely there making Trace's finger tips numb, so she smiled and rolled over looking at the young cub. "Yes I'm up."

"Good! Yuka sent me to get you. She just finished with breakfast and wants to talk about tonight's feast. They think the Alpha is giving away leadership!"

She lifted an eyebrow at her as she practically bounced with excitement. "Yuka their just meeting with extended pack members that haven't been up here before. That's just a rumor. Patrick is-"

"Getting older." Lilly replied cutting her off.

"No, he is wise and he would only give away leadership to someone just as wise despite their strength. It takes time to find a good leader."

"But everyone says-"

"Lilly." Trace said with a stern look. "Don't go spreading rumors, especially with Nick and his groupies. You wouldn't want to start a pack war would you?"

Her eyes went wide with horror. "But I-"

Trace sighed sitting up feeling like a scolding older sister. More often than not she was supposed to be submissive but when it came to the cubs younger than her she couldn't help but feel protective. "You have to remember, you've shifted now. You have a voice in this pack and that voice carries. If you sense deceit or doubt in our Alpha it could have consequences. If someone thinks the Alpha is weak they may challenge him, which could mean death for one of the younger stupid wolves in our pack. Even if Nick is misplaced and challenges him we would end up with a wounded Alpha making us weak for a day or more, and there would be many upset over the death of Nick despite his flawed challenge. It would cause a big problem for the pack."

"I know..." Lilly mumbled. "But what if he submitted?"

"Lilly." Trace scolded as she sighed "When have you ever known Nick to submit unless forced to?"

Lilly sighed playing with her auburn hair her eyes flashing from a brown to an irritated yellow. "You're right."

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. You're newly turned. You'll figure it out; you're still learning and finding your place in the pack." Trace replied in a gentle tone.

She looked up at her with sad eyes. "I wish you could come running with me."

Trace brushed a hand over her hair. "Me too." She said softly before kissing the top of her head. "Now let's see what Yuka wants."

Trace got up brushed her fine black hair, threw on some slippers and headed downstairs with Lilly close at her heels. Yuka was a frightful mess- flour in her hair icing on her sleeves as she whisked a bowl of brown something. She was a head shorter than Trace; her hair cropped short and died a bright pink this week in spikes. One wouldn't look at her and assume she was one of the lowest weakest in the pack or that she was a very plain brown color. Despite that she was a wizard in the kitchen and she was in full force. The Luna of the pack often came and helped- but being the Alpha's wife she often had other things to tend to; though it was puzzling not to see her before such a big feast helping Yuka.

Three other females where helping Yuka- all above her in rank and all mated; but Yuka was the one barking out orders which none of them challenged. All of them knew it wasn't a dominance thing it was just that Yuka was our main cook and if we wanted delicious food the best thing to do was listen to her instructions.

Trace lifted a hand as Yuka whirled around almost sloshing out the contents of the bowl she was still furiously whisking. "Tracie!"

Trace winced at the name wishing she would call her Trace like most of the other people would- but she insisted Trace was a boy's name. "Lilly said you called for me?" Trace said gazing slightly down avoiding eye contact.

It was a polite response since Trace technically wasn't pack and had never shifted. Meeting one's gaze could often bring out their inner wolves and make them want to challenge you. Since Trace had never heard her wolf and never able to shift it was something she avoided unless she had to, to avoid conflict.

"Yes, breakfast is in the dining room. I need you to eat up and go with Elis into town."

She was shocked. Trace had never left the pack's home in the Rocky Mountains. Her eyes flitted to hers and back down. "What- why? Don't you need help here?"

Yuka shook her head lifting her whisk. "No I have the mated women helping me. All the younger unmated need dresses but none of them are old enough to go. The older unmated girls already have dresses and are at the spa."

"So why can't you send one of the mated-"

Yuka scoffed "Their all decorating for the celebration. It's just a small errand and the Luna already cleared me to send you. You know all their sizes and what they like. Elis is second to the beta and its daylight, you'll be ok."

Trace bit her lip and nodded taking her orders. Trace had never seen everyone in the pack so busy but everyone had to do their part. "Are you sure you don't need any help in the kitchen?" She asked lamely hoping for an out since she was a decent cook. Trace was afraid of going outside the confines of the pack land, just the thought had her skin crawling.

Yuka giggled. "You'll be alright nice try. Oh and get yourself something too. You're technically unmated so you should look nice." She said before flipping around and shrieking. "Oh my god CAROL that has to SET!"

Trace took that as dismissed and sighed heading to breakfast. This already was looking to be an interesting hectic day.

Luna CursedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant