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Trace turned left and right in her little room looking in the mirror. She had decided to leave her hair down over her left shoulder so the tiny mole under her right eye showed. The eyeliner she put on made her eyes pop like blazing blue fire under her lashes, her lips seeming redder against her pale skin. Trace couldn't pinpoint exactly what she looked like other than a dark seductive snow white making her smile in the mirror. She felt like a real woman for the first time and it was a nice change, she had never taken much stock in her appearance.

"Trace I need help!" came Lilly's whinny voice outside her door. "The wolves will be here in fifteen minutes and Diana screwed up my hair!"

Trace chuckled walking over to open up the door. Lilly was in the beige dress Trace had picked out with a lace beaded design overlay and a black bow along with black trim near the bottom. It made her look cute- but mature despite it being short and her only the age of thirteen. Her hair though truly was a complete disaster- the curls made her look like the little vampire girl from Interview with a vampire.

Lilly however sucked in a breath and was looking at Trace with giant wide eyes. "Holy crap. Trace you look freaking amazing!"

Trace smiled weakly and motioned Lilly over to her bed stand. "Sit." She said pointing at the bed.

Lilly stopped putting her hand to her head suddenly horrified again. "How can we fix this!? It's a disaster." She said rapidly practically leaping on the bed.

"If I can do this to myself you better believe we can fix your hair." Trace said pulling out some pins a hair tie and a few fake flower clips. Wetting the top of her hair to try and get it a little straighter she pulled it up, let it fall over itself and began to pin it. Within ten minutes Lilly had gone from a gothic porcelain doll named Claudia to a mature Bernadette Peters hitting the red carpet. Trace had opted out of the flowers since they made her look younger and they were going for maturity for a possible mate. As far as she was aware all the wolves coming would likely be older. It was unlikely that they would find a mate let alone one so young- but it had happened before.

Tears pricked Lilly's eyes as she looked in the mirror and threw her arms around Trace. "Thank you thank you thank you!!!!" she squealed practically bouncing up and down.

A snort from the doorway made Trace and Lilly look over. Nick stood in the doorway with his arms folded, his typical scowl marring his face whenever he was near Trace. "The Luna sent me to find you. Everyone is lining up." He said spitting out the words before turning on his heal to go.

Lilly and Trace followed hastily to get outside. Sure enough almost everyone on Pack land was there. The strongest stood near the DJ booth- the weakest and unmated females at the very end. A howl rose on the wind making Lilly and Trace scramble to the very end of the line moments before the Alpha, his Luna, the Beta Mark and the runner up Elis walked out of Headquarters. By the time Trace caught her breath two large Suburban's pulled up and males began to pile out. Fourteen males had come- FOURTEEN! Making even Lilly gasp wide eyed. Two of the males where younger but most of them where Trace's age or older though how old Trace could only assume. She knows for a fact that one of them had to be older than Patrick- gray streaked the sides of his head.

From so far away Trace couldn't see who the new Alpha might be, but she could sense his presence just as easily as she could pick up on Patrick's. She waited patiently as they all made their acquaintances. Then Patrick directed five of the fourteen males down the unmated females, all of them looking to be close to my age or a little older. All of them seemed to walk with the typical male dominance except one who hovered near the back, silent and observant. The first male- in all black, started down the line. I could already smell his Axe spray a mile away making me want to gag. He met each unmated eyes before settling on mine since I was at the very end. His where a beady black- his eyes small compared to his large nose, he lifted a lip at me in disgust as if he smelled something off before walking back to the group- he would remain unmated.

"Thank god." Lilly breathed making me want to grin. Trace didn't blame her- she didn't want to be mated to a man that smelled like body spray either.

A yelp came near the front- Harper an unmated female older than me jumped into a tall lengthy male's arms with red hair. He was grinning ear to ear twirling her about- everyone clapped even Trace included small tears welling up in her eyes. Some might argue that you don't have a choice in mates- some never even find theirs but there was a certain beauty about two creatures finding their literal soul mate. Though Trace didn't like the fact that once you found your mate you had no choice but to be with them- she did like the idea of soul mates bound for eternity.

The next male came up, his dark eyes piercing and slightly frightening as he stalked in front of the girls. His hair long and ears pierced in several places and the way he walked was like a fierce cat than a wolf. He paused in front of Lilly- sweet innocent little thirteen year old Lilly. She gasped with a small squeak taking a step back as he bent low. A small growl escaped his lips as he grinned. "Mate." He breathed.

No! A protective voice inside Trace shouted as she stepped in front of Lilly pushing the young girl behind her making the man straighten. His brow furrowed and he growled at Trace, the wolf just under the surface as his eyes flashed yellow in the daylight. A growl that Trace wasn't even aware she was able to produce came from her as well as they faced down eye to eye- a challenge.

"Trace it's ok." Lilly said softly.

No- not this one! Her inner voice cried out with a soft whine, one seemingly separate from her own yet her's just the same. Sharp tingles filled her body, everything going hot and cold once again making Trace break eye contact as she doubled over in pain. Patrick was there in a flash a hand on her shoulder as pain wracked Trace's body. She had been through this before but instead of fighting it or taking breaths she didn't care she had to protect Lilly. Not this creep she's to young!

The creepy guy yanked on Lilly's arm pulling her away from Trace. A feral growl came from Trace's mouth as she lunged at him- spots filling her vision. He stepped out of reach as another man stepped in grabbing at Trace, half stopping her and half helping her not fall as her vision blurred.

Trace shook her head pain and a shocking feeling where the man touched her went through her body, the sensations almost to much to bear as she howled in pain. "Tracie!" Patrick shouted in a panic- Trace could barely hear him though as her eyes flitted around trying to focus on anyone-anything. Protect Lilly!

"Hey it's ok, I won't let him hurt her. Relax. Look at me. Do you understand? I won't allow it." Came a sweet deep voice calling to Trace. Her eyes flitted to the voice- her gaze meeting a silver pair of eyes. His eyes widened as Trace felt her body grow incredibly hot once again and a whimper crawl up her throat.

All Trace could remember or see where those piercing silver eyes as the sensations flowing through her body finally consuming her as an ice wave shot through her body, and a faint inner voice sighing in relief. Alpha... mate...Lilly safe.

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