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Trace had gulped down the drink (trying not to retch at the flavor) at the edge of the woods with Quinn- everyone else had begun to gather eating food and socializing. Quinn and Patrick had yet to announce the change in leadership- Trace figured that would come later. She had already suggested he get back to the party and Quinn had firmly refused saying that an Alpha needed to be near for her first shift- especially since she was still not part of the pack.

Sighing Trace waited patiently as warmth spread through her limbs much like the hot and cold sensations she had felt before- without the chill. "Common." Trace muttered willing herself to get it over with; but the warmth only came stronger searing her bones. She attempted to shake off the feeling and focus on shifting but the sensation only grew making Trace whimper in pain. "It's ok Trace, just let it overcome you don't fight."

Easy for him to say, his body wasn't on fire Trace thought falling to her knees gasping for air. Finally she couldn't help it- she began to howl in pain as her vision clouded and the searing heat went into her bones. She heard a snap and a few cracks but all she could do was scream. Suddenly the pain seemed to ebb slightly, her scream sounding like a howl as her vision slowly cleared.

Trace slowly realized she could feel the earth under her hands and feet, the smells around her heightened, the sounds of small insects and even the guests chatting could be made out clearly. She could smell Quinn most of all which had her inner wolf wanting to nip and play with him as he stood next to her in human form. A smile crossed his face making it glow. "Wow, that went easier than expected." Trace felt the back of her start to move- the wolf inside didn't seem to mind but Trace was mortified.


"Here let me shift and we'll-" Suddenly a scent caught the air making Trace swing her head near the tree line. Something called to her, something that made her want to run. Quinn looked over as well puzzled as to what held my attention. "Trace is something wrong?"

Trace took a step forward, the need driving her towards the woods, her instincts taking over. Something inside told her to run away from the pack, be free. The woods called to her home like a mother's embrace and everything inside her wanted to answer the call. She didn't want to leave Quinn behind but... he will find you, he will follow. Just run and have fun. Follow your heart.

"Trace- don't do it. It's because you're not initiated in the pack. I'll shift and-"

No. They both cried with a small howl. The desire was to strong, and before she knew it she felt the dirt beneath her paws, the smell of woods in her nose. She felt Quinn behind her, changed and running to get to her. She picked up the pace, she ran as fast as she could letting the wolf inside her take over. Everything from the earth to the pine trees held her like a long lost mother. She wanted to get lost in the woods; then the smell shifted, cooler. Trace smelled violets and lady slippers filling her nostrils. Home her inner wolf cried.

Trace had traveled very far in a short amount of time, the sun was only just starting to set and as she slowed down to a small trot she realized she couldn't sense Quinn near her at all. She whined slightly, tail between her legs realizing she was alone and he hadn't been able to chase her. As she continued forward unsure of wither to turn back or not she spotted it- the small cabin. How had she found it with such ease? Natural instinct?

Cautiously Trace went forward, it was glowing with light and she could feel the warmth. Someone was in there but instead of running Trace only wanted to move forward. She sniffed the air unsure but didn't smell anything, not human, not wolf, not vampire; she could only guess that it could be a witch hiding her presence.

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