Tom was surprised by Hermione's tone and straightforwardness. "I was seeing what you were up to Bellouve since you obviously weren't going to the Quidditch match."

"It isn't compulsory to go to the match Tom, and now that you know what I'm doing, please leave."

"Actually I was thinking that I might stay Bellouve." He said walking over to a sofa and sitting down. Hermione looked at him and then turned back to stare at the fire. God did she hate him. "Why are you here Bellouve?"

"Because I need space." She answered simply.

"Space from what?"

She gripped the arms of the armchair in frustration. "Just shut up Tom." Her teeth were clenched.

"What did you just say Bellouve."

She snapped her head towards him "I said shut up."

"Be careful with the way you speak to me."

She laughed cruelly. "Or what Tom? What could you possibly do to me? I'll tell you what, nothing, so do me a favour and SHUT UP!" Hermione finally lost it.

Tom was pissed, how dare she?! How dare the insolent mudblood talk to him like that? He got up and raised his wand at her "Crucio!"

The pain coursed through Hermione like electricity, she felt as if she was being stabbed and electrocuted at the same time, but she didn't scream, she'd been through worse under the same wand that he was using, and she hadn't screamed once, she wasn't going to now.

Tom lifted the curse and watched as Hermione lay panting on the floor, he was unsatisfied, she hadn't screamed once, not once. He stared at her and then to his surprise and utter horror she began to laugh, the laugh of a maniac, she laughed and laughed until she had to sit up and clutch her stomach, she laughed until tears streamed down her face, and then she suddenly stopped. She looked at him and cocked her head to the side, she had a crazed look in her eyes and her hair was all over the place. "You really think that was going to work?" She asked. "I'm sorry but you'll have to try harder." And she burst into laughter again. Tom stared bewildered, why wasn't she crying? Why wasn't she begging him to forgive her? And most of all, why was she laughing?!

Hermione found the entire situation funny, he thought he could break her just by torturing her. He'd have to try harder, much harder at that. The war almost broke her but didn't, he'd have to try way harder, it was almost comical to her, the man who would grow up to ruin her life and everybody else's was standing in front of her fuming because he couldn't get her to scream while torturing her.

Tom had had enough of Hermione's laughing. "Shut up." He said. She shut up and stared at him. "What now Tom?" She asked, a smile in her voice.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, aren't you going to try to obliviate me or something?" Hermione got up; dusted herself off and sat on her armchair again and resumed her staring into the fire.

"Why didn't you scream?" Tom asked in a whisper.

"What was that?" Said Hermione turning to look at him.

"Why didn't you scream?"

"Oh that, I've been through worse, much worse, can't say you get used to the pain but also can't say it hurts as much." She shrugged as if it was no big deal.

Tom sat back down on the sofa again, and for once, he didn't know what to do or say. He'd gone completely blank and the girl that sat next to him had done that to him, and so they sat in silence.

"Who are you?" Tom finally asked breaking the silence.

She turned to look at him, there were tears in eyes, and she had a sad smile on her face. "Can't say I know the answer anymore."

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