I just smiled at him, a fake smile. I wanted to tell you but I can’t Mark.

He sat down beside me.

“Now tell me. What happened?” he asked.

“I’m fine. Everything’s going to be fine.” I said then I smiled at him.

“How will I be able to know you more if you’ll not open up? You told me you’re going to let me know you more.” Mark said. “I’m here… as your friend. Cry as long as you want.”

Yeah, I told you that. But this thing is kinda personal.

“I’m not yet ready to tell it.” I said.

I was about to stand up but Mark pulled me back to my position.

“Then I’ll wait for it until you’re ready to tell me.” Mark said. “Even if it’ll take time, I’ll wait here, right in this position.” he said.

“Ahy, it’s like you’re forcing me to tell it.” I said.

“Because you need to unload all your feelings. Or else, you’ll end up being one of those people inside the mental hospital.” he said.

I looked at him angrily.

“What? It’s true. You’ll end up being one of those if you’ll not let all those bad feelings be unloaded.” he said.

I looked at him and he looked back at me. “Fine. I’m going to tell it. Happy now?” I said.

He them smiled.

“My mom called.” I said. “She greeted me a happy birthday.”

“That’s nice but…” Mark said.

“Then she asked me to go back home now.” I added.

His smile suddenly disappeared.

“Why? What did you answer?” he asked.

“I promised myself that starting now, I’ll not live in other people’s dream.” a tear suddenly fell from my eyes again. But I was able to wipe it. “I told her that I don’t want to. All my life, I’ve been a good girl. I always do whatever they want me to do. If they want me to be on top of class, I’ll study hard. If they want me to enter such a prestigious school, I’ll take the entrance exam and pass it. I’ve always been the good daughter but it seems like I’m still worthless.”

“But why does she want you to go home now? You’re a few steps away from your dream.” Mark said.

“She never wanted me to be a singer. She wanted me to be a missionary, a church missionary.” I said. “And whenever I try to be a singer, she makes me feel how bad daughter I am. That’s why I feel so worthless.”

Way Back Home (Mark Tuan - GOT7 Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now