⇨ So long, and goodnight ⇦

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A/N:Is it just me that hates the whole 'Scene 1' and 'act one' 'act two' in fanfics? I don't mean to offend anyone but most fanfics with it I just can't read for some reason
Sorry it's 1 a.m

If this is a bit hard to understand I'm sorry, But I'm not sorry if you dont Like the ending because I've worked so hard on this fanfic so hopefully you do
And by now you've probably realized I don't do happy ending lol like ever

If this is a bit hard to understand I'm sorry, But I'm not sorry if you dont Like the ending because I've worked so hard on this fanfic so hopefully you do And by now you've probably realized I don't do happy ending lol like ever

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Tiptoe in candle wax and waning death
, not a curtains drawn by angels borne
'what a nice way to go' death

My eyes opened and closed catching the familiar sights of my room as I was shaken awake.
   I stired and groaned lightly turning on my left shoulder to be met by the face of the one and only Tommy Eaton.
    "Fuck!",I sat up after a minute of realization.
  He placed his hand over my mouth and laughed silently indicating me to be quiet.
"What the hell are you doing in my room? How did you get in?!",I searched the room for any kind of opening, noticing the window was open.
     "Window",He answered simply before plopping down beside me on the bed.
"Am I missing something? Didn't you just tell me to go bother someone else?",I turned to face him completely.
   "Three hours ago, I'm a changed man",He defended himself making me scoff.
   "Yeah okay",I let out a laugh attempting to turn my back to him but being stopped in the process.

  "What?",I groaned looking over to him.
He stayed silent holding my gaze.
"I like you, Sam",He blurted our causing me to smile, "but if you go into that house tomorrow I will kill you myself"

"Way to ruin the moment",I rolled my eyes attempting for a second time to turn away from him but once again being stopped.
   "There was a moment?",He raised a brow.
"Do you have something else to say or can I go to sleep?",I asked, my agitated tone showing my tiredness.
"Yeah",He nodded not breaking my gaze.
"Well are you gonna stare at me or spit it out?",I asked after a second of silence,
"I love you too,Sam"


I ran across the street with Davey and Woody, with his camera in my left hand and a pepper spray gripped in my right I felt as though I was definitely prepared for whatever was in this house.
    That was a lie, my hands were shaking and sweating making the camera harder to keep a grip on causing me to drop the pepper spray and grab the camera with both hands.
    Leaving my only form of defense on the suspected killers front lawn I was definitely ready.

Davey looked in through the front windows as my breath hitched in my throat.
   This was the moment I had realized this was no longer just a cool thing we could tell our kids we did way back in the day one summer, this was serious shit, so serious that we could potentially be exposing a murderer.
    I got more and more paranoid as I thought about it.
  If this man was indeed the Cape May Slayer and we were the ones to 'rat' him out I was sure he'd want revenge.
After all live and let die is a big thing many people live by these days.
     "Sam!",Woody snapped his fingers in my face as if ti get my attention.
  "What?! Yeah",I blurted our as he took the camera from my hands.
    "Keep watch",Woody instructed climbing in the window.
   "Please tell me that's a fucking joke",I shook my head at him as he disappeared into the house.
   My heartbeat became louder and louder in my chest and my ears got hot.
  'This isn't gonna end well' I thought
It couldn't have.
There was no way this could have went in a positive direction.

Let Me Die A Young Mans Death ⇩  Summer Of 84. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now