⇨ Far As day ⇦

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A/n:How is this movie so underrated like wow
As day

A/n:How is this movie so underrated like wowAs day

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I lay in bed staring at the ceiling waiting for sleep to take over,
   I could never just fall asleep from closing my eyes.
It was more of a routine with no specific movements.
The crackling of the walkie on my dresser made me sigh in defeat knowing I wouldn't be sleeping anytime soon.

"You guys, Ipswich lanes tomorrow?",Daveys voice rang through it,
   "Hope that chick from last week is there, she was all over me",Eats drops down the mic making me laugh.
"You wish Eaton",I say after pressing the button down on the walkie.
    "Your just mad cause your not getting any",He scoffed earning a laugh from the other boys.

"You asked to touch her boobs and she threw you over the railing",Woody stated blankly.
   "Yeah, but I still didn't look as dumb as Davey every time he sees Nikki in the Dj booth and jizzes in his pants",Eats mocks.

I jump up turning my room light on completely defeated by sleep.
    "Oh yeah? Well I can see her right now, naked",Davey says confidently to us,

  "Dude are you serious?I hate you"
"No he's not serious dipshits"

I rolled my eyes at how gullible they could be.
  "Oh my god she's waving for me to come over",He reaches past his limit completely losing our attention.
  "Okay, now we know your full of shit,Peace out",Eats sighs at the revelation,

"I would trade both my nuts to have that view",Farraday joins the now finished conversation.
   "Farraday your balls haven't even dropped yet you couldn't trade them for a bag of liquorish",I laugh throwing myself into bed once again.
"Ok genius if you've got no balls what's the point of the view, you'd just be some ball-less pervert",Woody says but gets no answer.
    "He's gone",I say after a minute of silence before turning it off and throwing it under the bed.

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"No, don't go over that...There's a pothole watch!",I yell sitting on the handlebars of my brothers bike.
"Learn how to ride a fucking bike and we wouldn't have this problem",He says back avoiding my attempts to lead him away from the pothole.
"That takes time, time which I don't have",I grip tightly scared that any minute I could fly off, considering it had happened twice before.

"Was that a quote from a fucking poem?",Woody rolled his eyes at me,
I hopped off the second they stopped and ran into the building known as 'Ipswich lanes'.
  It was a bowling place and was always full especially in the summertime.
Running right past everyone to get onto the first game machine I zoned out for about ten minutes trying to win.
   "I'm gonna go get some fries",Farraday broke my concentration making me lose.
"Fuck Farraday!",I yell hitting my hands flat down on the machine.
   He laughed at me before leaving to get his food.
Woody pushed me out of the way having been waiting for the last ten minutes for me to quit.

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