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That night you were studying with clara when you both decide to take a break.


(y/n) : clara ? What's with austin and michael ?

Clara : they're ex lovers.

(y/n) : what !?!

Clara : chill babe , im joking. They are rivals.

(y/n) : why ?

Clara : nobody knows , but last year they had a huge fight. You know both are extremely rich. Unfortunately for austin , he doesn't have money but simon is full of it.

(y/n) : but you just said austin is rich too.

Clara : yea , this school belonged to his parents. But they died 2 years ago. So according to them austin has to graduate in college with really good grades , then he can claim his property. And Michael has everything , that's why they are rivals.

(y/n) : his parents died ?

Clara : yea , that's why he don't talk to people or girls. But today I saw you talking with him in lunchtime , that's very rare. Anyways im going to sleep now , goodnight.

(y/n) : goodnight.


Turning off the lights , you open the window for some fresh air.


*maybe that's why he seemed so distant. He doesn't talks to girls , huh ... and I was thinking he would talk to me , that's soo stupid . But he's handsome , his eyes are gorgeous , the way he laughs when he's with his friends , wait . Why am I smiling ? Huh , yes I have a crush on him , wow*


But then you see austin climbing the wall of the boys doorm and going towards the soccer ground. Its was 11:30 pm.


*thats strange , why would he go there at this time*


But after a few minutes michael and his friends climbed the wall and followed austin.


*are they gonna fight ? No , think positive , should I follow them ? What !? If anyone caughts me , im dead , but if something bad happens ?*


You quickly put on your jacket and slippers and sneak out of the girls doorm

and follow them.

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austin mahone imagineHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin