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Classes were pretty cool , teachers were nice. It was lunchtime and clara was nowhere to be seen. You thought maybe she was in the canteen so you head there too. In cafeteria you see various groups , like the basketball dudes , cheerleaders , nerdy ones , the rich ones and more. Someone taps your shoulder. You look back.


Guy : are you new ?

(y/n) : yes.

Guy : im michael.

(y/n) : nice to meet you , im (y/n).

Michael : why don't you join us ?


You see table of Michael's friends , you see few girls too.


(y/n) : ok.


He introduces you to his friends . They were all friendly and you all start to eat. While eating you see austin arrive with his friends , all guys . They all sit , his back to you. One of his friend says something to him and he turns back directly looking at you. You quickly look away. After few seconds , you look back at him and he was still staring at you. You lock your gaze with him but he turns away. *eeeek ! He was looking at me ! :D ♥♥ !*

Michael : hey , you done ?

(y/n) : yea.


Unfortunately after lunch , you had no classes with austin , but had 2 classes with michael and he was really sweet.You get out of school building and go to girls doorm , opposite of girls gate there was boys gate too. And yes , austin was there chatting with his friends. You pass near them to open the gate but he was busy having fun.

*didn't even noticed me :( *


You open the door to girls doorm building and while shutting it , you look at austin and see him lookimg back at you. Closing the door you just smile and go to your room.


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austin mahone imagineWhere stories live. Discover now