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" JUST SHUT UP" austin said you and your boyfriend were in a fight because he kept coming home late and at times drunk "OKAY THEN MAYBE YOU SHOULD STOP BEING WITH YOUR FRIENDS ALL THE TIME" you said as tears threatened to spill "okay I'm out with my friends too much well maybe you should not be on twitter flirting with other guys" austin said "they are fans I don't say anything about you and your mahomies" you spat at him "that's because I'm not a flirt that will actually go and try to get the guys" austin said then the tears came out onto your cheeks "how would you know you aren't here most of the time anyways" you say while wiping the tears away "you know what you are just clingy" austin said "how if you are always with your friends getting drunk anyways" "you know what at least I'm not-" he stops when he saw all the tears coming down your face "I'm sorry babe I'm really sorry" he said as he hugged you "I will spend more time with you it's just I sometimes get carried away with hanging out with Alex and everyone and how bout the tomorrow we do something you wanna do together" "can we go out to dinner tomorrow" you said looking at Austin's eyes "no but we can go to breakfast lunch and dinner" austin said with a smirk "sounds perfect" you said as you guys went up stairs to cuddle all night watching movies

austin mahone imagineМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя