{6}\ \ \ Small kisses. / / /{6}

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I smile standing looking Stan in the eyes, were walking back to my house and I smile quickly wrapping my arms around him, I jump onto his back and he smiles holding me, I smile resting my head in the crock of his neck, I lightly kiss his cheek rubbing against him, Stan smiles holding me with his good arm. 'God, you're adorable.' We get back to my house and I sit down on my bed, I turn the TV on flipping through the channels, I flip to one and gay porn comes on, Stans watching his phone so he doesn't notice. . . I huff out of breath. 'Uh. . . Stan. . .' Stan looks up noticing the TV, Stan leans on me whispering. 'You want to keep watching?' I nod. '. . . Yeah.' After a bit I become really. . . Weird. . . I rub my hand over my dick as Stan asks. 'Does that feel good?' I nod. 'Really good.' I look at Stan and ask. 'Have we done something like this before?' He nods. 'Yeah, do you want me to?' I nod quickly kissing him.

Hope you enjoyed! Bye!

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