{2}\ \ \Hospitals can't fix broken hearts./ / /{2}

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Stan didn't suffer much due to the accident, he broke an arm but not much, not like he hasn't done it before. . . More or less got his arm shot, Stan sighs being released from hospital, he asks. 'Which room is Kyle Broflvoski in?' The lady tells him as he walks there, he walks in to see Ike, his mum and dad, Ike looks at Stan walking up to him. 'What happened?' Stan answers looking around. 'Kyle was talking to me and I looked at him for one second and. . .' Ike nods with tears in his eyes. 'He hasn't woken up. . .' Stan feels his heart start shattering, he walks over to Kyles bed holding his hand, he whispers. 'I'm sorry. . .'

After a couple days Stan still hasn't left Kyles side, Stan looks at Kyle as he sees his eyes slowly open, Stan flung himself at Kyle hugging him. 'Kyle! I love you! Never ever scare me like that again!' Kyle tenses up stammering. 'P-please don't touch me, I don't know you.' Stan pulls back looking at Kyle with tears in his eyes. 'Babe? Is this a joke?' Kyle says confused. '"Babe"?'

Hope you enjoyed, bye?

It gets worst. \ \ \ Stan X Kyle/ Style./ / /Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt