Chapter 4

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Tuesday morning, Emily woke up early again and she was just about to wake up Rose to go to Tan Bay, but then she realized how tired she looked. Emily went to her desk to find some paper to write a note for Rose when she woke up, but there was no paper in the drawer where Emily kept her sticky notes and binder paper. Emily crept down stairs to her Mom's office where she found some note paper and a pen. After Emily had written the note she got dressed and saddled up Calli and took off with a trot.

When Emily got to Tan Bay she had just gotten the tack off of Calli when she heard someone say, "You like coming here for sunrise too?".

Emily looked around like she had heard a ghost, but she didn't see anyone so she said, "Yeah. Who are you?"

Then someone came out of the bushes and he said, "Do you want to watch the sunrise together?"

Emily replied, "Not until I know who you are."

He then showed his face in her flashlight beam. Emily was shocked that her biggest crush, Todd (Mr. Nigie's son), had come to her favorite spot! She said, "Yes", and they watched a beautiful blue, pink and orange painting rise.

When the sunrise was over Emily said, "Goodbye" and Todd walked away towards Mendocino. She saddled up Calli and she walked home. When Emily got home she took all the tack and put Calli in her stall then Emily got the brushes and the hoof pick and was just about to go into Calli's stall when Emily's Dad said, "Where did you go?"

Emily said, "I went on an early morning ride."

Josh replied, "You can go on early morning walks, but I don't want your horse to hurt her legs by stepping into holes because she can't see where she is going."

Emily answered, "I had a really bright flashlight in front of me when it was still dark so she wouldn't get hurt."

Josh said, "Well go care for your horse before she gets impatient."

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