Chapter 2

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The next day Emily woke up to the annoying buzzing of her alarm clock and thought "Oh great it's monday (Why is my life so busy?), I have to get ready for school, and after school I have to go to Food & Feed and restock the shelves with canned food, and then I can come home and do all of the chores, do my homework, eat dinner, and go to bed and repeat the rest of the school week. Emily went downstairs to make cinnamon rolls for breakfast.

After school Emily found Rose and they walked the 5 blocks to work at Food & Feed, Rose worked in the office doing paperwork clean-up because the owner Jasmyn Namvar was very bad at paperwork and she lost things everywhere, so Rose helped put things in order. Emily had the lucky job of restocking shelves with all of the different kinds of feed, but today the employee that usually did the restocking of the food was out of town seeing a sick parent, so Emily had to find out what needed to be done on which shelves ( which took a LONG time!) because the man that was telling her what to do was mixing his English with his Spanish, so Emily had to ask for him to repeat things, and to say things in English, anyways after that 40 minute misunderstanding Emily started to stack cans of beans, then jams. After Rose and Emily had finished work they said goodbye and see you tomorrows and they parted ways.

Author's note: I'm super sorry this sucks and has uber short chapters! The 8th grade me wasn't good at writing (obviously noted)

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