8. Here's A Snack

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*Sorry for this coming out late  some real shit happened to yah boy and I just had to take a break. Also im going to be rewriting my pro league ff some time soon (dont worry this story is still the main priority) but anyway enough rambling hope you enjoy*

Ying's POV

Y/n Ela and I step into the mess hall to see what the wonderful cooks have prepared to day, looks like y/n settled on a bacon cheeseburger with some fries, as for Miss Bosak she apparently decided not to eat, and now me I just settled on more Fruit Loops (Ying seems like she has a Fruit Loop fetish)
Ela: God damn do you eat anything besides Fruit Loops
Siu: this food over here sucks compared to the stuff back home
Y/n: and where would that be Siu?
Siu: Hong Kong
Y/n: interesting
Ela: so y/n have you though of any ideas for what you want in terms of a gadget
Y/n: um actually now that you speak of it I was thinking of something similar to a defibrillator but it also would provide a sort of adrenaline boost, is that too farfetched?
Siu: no, not at all in fact in know of 2 wonderful doctors that would love to help build this thing
Y/n: and who would these individuals be?
Siu: oh don't worry you'll meet them soon enough
Y/n: mysterious I like it

Just at that moment the red head and her arrogant boyfriend boyfriend Lion come waltzing into the cafeteria and decide to take a seat at one of the other tables
Lion: well well if it isn't the bitch with the shitty bowl cut and the green haired slut with daddy issues, speaking of which how you're father? *chuckles&
Ela: *fighting the urge of crying* fuck off lion
Ela then fully utilizing her 3 speed capabilities dashes off down the dim halls of Hereford base presumably to her dorm
Ash: what's wrong Siu cat got your tongue just like it must of had your gun back at that house, *ash points to y/n* yeah thats right your "friend" here has a tendency to let teammates die in the field

At this point I break I repeat the process just as Ela had done and run to my dorm.

Time Skip 5 Minutes

Yings POV

*sob* Im such a failure, I let her down that day I froze I-I-I
*Knock- Knock*
Siu: Who is it?
Y/n: its me y/n can I come in
Siu: yeah

Y/n: Siu are you ok
Siu: *wipes tears* oh uh y/n, yes I'm fine
Y/n: are you sure
Siu: yeah, yeah I'm fine
Y/n: bull shit Siu what that douche back there said very clearly got to you and Ela very hard and what is this about "letting your teammates die"
*I start heavily crying*
Y/n seeing my state instantly apologises and walks over to my bed puts his arm around me and begins to comfort me
Y/n: I'm so sorry Siu I didn't mean to hurt you I was just curious, Im sorry

We sit in silence in the dark room for what felt like hours, I guess I just loved the way he made me feel I felt like someone cared for me, a feeling I haven't felt this in a long while not since dad passed, I mean I still had mom and my sister but I just feel I don't have the same connection with them as I did with dad, fuck I miss him

Siu: don't be
Y/n: what?
Siu: its not you're fault, its mine I should have been more transparent with you, im going to tell you what happened to Ash why she hates me so much and why the hates justified
Y/n: im listening
Siu: it was 3 weeks ago were ordered to rescue a hostage out of this two story house in L.A., Team consisted of Thermite Lion Buck Ash and me, Thermite and Lion were tasked with breaching the reinforced garage door but overall they were more of a distraction but Ash, Buck and I were going to flank from behind undetected kill the White Mask and secure the hostage. While was droning the room ahead a White Mask came behind us and caught Ash and Buck off guard I tried to shoot him but I just couldn't I don't know what got into me I just froze, anyway Buck kills the white mask but before Ash took 2 shot the the stomach shes woke up from her coma today its a miracle shes alive and now she hates me and I get why I fucked up big time
Y/n: fuck, im sorry for asking I didn't know
Siu: its fine I just wish I could make amends with Ash
Y/n: its kind of late don't you think we should get some sleep
Siu: agreed

*once again sorry it took me so long to get this out but its out now also I plan to start writing for the pro league story tomorrow*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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