5. Lunch Time

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(A/n: sorry about my hiatus I was just lazy a d grinding siege im doing some bulk writing to compensate hope you all enjoy)

As I walk down the dimly lit halls of Rainbow HQ I think to myself "why the hell are these halls so dimly lit?"
Im brought back to Earth when the guy from earlier Gabriel attempts to make conversation
Gabriel: oh hey you're Siu right?
Siu: um yeah I assume you're Gabriel correct
Gabriel: yeah, look I just want to say im sorry for coming off as a pervert earlier I don't know what came over me its just your so god damn beautiful. I bet you get that a lot

Siu: um actually I haven't got to many complements since I've been here I don't think people like me all to well. Sorry but I have to go eat lunch with Ela
Gabriel: oh the cute girl with the green hair do me a favor and tell her I said hey
Siu: will do
And with that I was off to eat.
Man I was hungrier than a hostage, I reach the mess hall and grab my usual (idk what she's eating make it up) and go to find my green haired bff (do ppl still say bff?) I find her sitting alone arguing with someone on the phone
Ela: Zo I came here to escape you now you insist on joing rainbow I just can't escape you I mean why do you want to be around me you have someone who loves you, had all of fathers love and a higher position back at GROM why do you need me
Siu: hello Ela

Ela: oh shit Siu, later Zo, glad to see you made it what took you so long?

Siu: I was talking to Gabriel in the hall

Ela: oh let me guess he wants to get in your pants

Siu: no actually he wanted to apologize for his behavior earlier he also told me to tell you he said hi

Ela: pfffhh I don't be live a word he said every night since he's been here when I trained his squad he's been hitting on me

Siu: eh what ever, oh by the way who was that on the phone you sounded really mad

Ela: ugh where do I begin that was my sister Zofia I hate her so much

Siu: why is that

Ela: her and I are the daughters of The GROM Captain Jan Bosak and ever since we were young he had always showed favoritism toward Zofia he always said "thats not good enough Ela be more like your sister and maybe you'll get somewhere"
I fucking hated that man he was abusive to not only me but my mother evertime dad would get drunk and try to hit me my mom would stick up for me and he would hit her, there isn't a day that goes by where I don't think of her and my grandad

Siu: oh my i-i-i don't know what to say that fucking sucks

Ela: the day that fucker died I just sat there and laughed, all the rage and hurt he inflected on my mother and I was finally revenged I got my closer

Siu: um ok so why don't you like Zofia

Ela: its not that I don't like her she just tries to act like my mom like im a child, she's the reason I left GROM for Rainbow was to escape her and now she's talking to six about coming to Rainbow
Siu: look I want to help but thats on you to settle but if you ever need to vent come find me
Ela: thank you Siu I really appreciate you sitting here listen to me spill this shit its just been in my head for a while.
Siu: hey you want to come back to my my place and watch a movie
Ela: actually sounds great what are we watching
Siu: my favorite Spider-Man 3 (best Spider-Man movie don't @ me)
Ela: well after you
We through away our trash and walk towards my room.

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