Still lost as ever

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I'm so sorry that my updates are...chodey right now. I was at six flags all day yesterday and today is my first day of school. I don't have much free time. But I'am posting this at 6:30 in the morning so...atleast I'm thinking about you guys! :)



I held her as we walked to the car, in the car I held her hand, and when we got to the hopsital I didn't let go of her until they said they needed to put her in surgery. I stayed in the waiting room, waiting. I needed her to be OK. I've been trying to make out relationship better, I've been trying to get to know her better, and I let this happen to her? I need to protect her better. I need to be there for her. I can work when she's at school, and whens she home for a little while But I'm gonna bring her with me when we go on trips. Or someones going to stay home with her. If she makes it out of WHEN she makes it out of this.
"Mr. Stark? Would you like to know what we did?" A nurse came out with a peice of paper. I nodded, eager to learn about what that bastard did to her, "Well we had to reallign her ankle, it was broken and was placed wrong so we had to line it right and cast it. She has a few cracked rips, and she needed stiches from several deep cuts that was on her arms and stomach. She'll be fine Mr. Stark. She's asleep right now, but she'll be up soon if you would like to let everyone know so you may all be in there for her. But I must warn you, she has some brain contusions. She may not remember some things." I nodded and took a breath of relief and ran to the cafeteria where everyone was.
"She's gonna be waking up soon, comeon." I said, and briskely started to walk back up stairs. I heard the chairs scrape and the feet patter against the ground to follow me. We made it up to her room, and I almost started crying again. Pepper held my hand when she saw her. Her face black and blue. Her body covered in cuts and bruises, and her leg in a cast. I felt like it was my fault. I was blaming myself for all of this. I went over to her side, everyone hot on my heals and surrouding her as we saw her begin to stir. I grabbed her hand and kissed hit, praying she would wake up.

I felt nothing, nothing except for blackness, nothing except for being numb. I felt numb, it was the happiest I've felt in a long time. I had nothing on my mind. I felt like I knew nothing. Ignorance really is bliss. Then the pain started, and I slowly began to move, and wake up.
"SHH! She's waking up!" I heard someone say. She's waking up? What do they mean wake up? I don't understand. My eyes fluttered open, and the first person I saw was a man, with black hair and a gote. He looked tired, he looked like he had been crying.
"Wha...what's going on?" I croaked. The man pulled me into a hug. I felt awkward. I didn't know who this man was, "Why are you hugging me?" I asked.
"I'm your dad? I can hug my daughter!" There was a pain in my head when he said that. He seemed familar...but I coulnd't figure out why. I looked at him, and he pulled away, fear struck his face. He got up and ran out of the room with a woman with strawberry blond hair following behind him.
"Do you know who we are?" A lady with red hair asked.
I shook my head no, "If I don't know who I am then how the hell am I supposed to know who you guys are? Why am I here? Why does my head hurt?" The questions came flooding out of my mouth.
"Your name is Annalease Stark, I am your father, This is Pepper. She's your step mother. You came to me when you were 7. You're 17 years old, your birthday is July 27th, 1995. You like to be called Annie These are The Avengers, but they are also basially your family. This is Natasha she's your best friend, this is her fiance Clint whom spoils you with Ice cream every time he sees you. This is Thor, every time he comes over you go on pop tart adventures, This is Bruce, he taught you Physics when the teacher couldn't. This is Steve, you and him have spent countless hours playing chess, and This is Fury. He is 'in control' of The Avengers, but he loves you, even if he doesn't let on to. Your favorite color red because it makes your eyes pop. You would go vegetarian, but you love bacon too much. you hate school because you don't want anyone to know who you are, I'm a billionaire who owns Stark Indutries and I'm Iron Man! Doesn't anyone of this sound familar to you?" He screamed, he looked so pained. It did sound familar...I guess. It made my head hurt. I gave him a blank stare and the lady who he called Pepper took him out of the room. A doctor walked in.
"Hello Annie, how are you?"
"Uhm...My heard hurts really bad, and I'm confused..."
"That's completly normal sweety, now I need you to do me a favor ok?"
I nodded.
"I need you to take these pills every day, and once a day for 2 hours, I want you to do things. Maybe talk to these people, watch home videos, look at pictures. You hit your head really hard, and your memory, it isn't lost or gone, It's just misplaced. You'll get it back sweety. All of these people love you, and they'll do anything they can so you can remember." He handed me some pills and discharged me. 'Dad' came back in, and helped me with my things. He handed me a some clothes and I went to change. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had amber eyes, pale skin, and Raven black hair. Darker then his. Wheres my real mom? I walked out of the bathroom.
"Wheres my real mom?" I asked. Out of curiosity I guess. Surely if my parents had divorced she would atleast be here right?
He hesitated, "Sweety, I don't know if we should tell you that just yet..."
"No. Tell me. I have the right to know." I said.
"Atleast she's still stubborn like you are Tony." The man...Fury I think his name was said.
'Dad' sighed, "I'm sorry Buttercup, but she died when you were 7. She had cancer, and you had no other family. I didn't know you were my daughter until you showed up at my front door." I stood there, emotionless. I was angry, I was...everything mixed into one. I felt black. All the colors had to be mixed specifally to make it. Well all the emotions had to be mixed so make emotionless.

It's time for a change [[Completed]]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz