Just Bad Luck

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Ofcourse, the best day I've ever had, just HAD to be ruined by my having to wake up the next morning to go to school. Don't get me wrong school wasn't terrible, it's just the fact that I was an outcast. I didn't want to get to know many people. I knew that people would only be my friend because of my last name, so I didn't tell anyone. And I stayed away when dad had press conferences. I was basically unknown. Except for when SHIELD. They knew me well, because Dad always wanted me to go with him. He said it would be safer, so that's where I was when Loki attacked.
I walked out of my room, fully dressed and not ready for the day. I knew I would have to make up everything I missed yesterday. That wasn't the problem, it was the fact that I wasn't going to have a good excuse.
"Morning sweety." Dad said.
"Morning honey." Pepper said.
"Morning." I mumbled and grabbed an apple. I was so happy I didn't get sick last night after eating. I was starting to think that the only reason I got sick after I ate was because I wasn't happy when I ate, and I stressed myself out. I sat there and munched on the apple, while they drank their coffee.
"Any plans today after school?" Pepper asked.
"Just coming home, and doing homework, like always."
"Why don't you go out with some friends?" Dad asked.
I scoffed, "What friends?"
They both kept quiet after that.
"Well are you ready to go to school?" Dad asked.
"I guess, as ready as I'll ever be..."
"Come on, it can't be that bad!"
"You guys have no idea."
"Then tell us about it on the way." Pepper said.
I was shocked that they wanted to know, but I guess Dad really was trying harder.
"Well for starters they ALWAYS  talk about you. They never shut up about you or The Avengers, or how hot you are, or how the guys want to bang Natasha, and if it's not about that then it's about how they were playing football the other day and this chick was totally checking them out, the girls are talking about...disturbing things about you. It's scarred me for life."
Pepper giggled, "Watch about Pepper! You have competition." Dad joked.
Pepper and I rolled our eyes, "Sorry dad but I'm pretty sure everyone else favors Clint."
He started to pout.
"Your school sounds annoying."
"The teachers don't care, the students don't care. I would much rather be home schooled."
"You know I can have that arranged." Pepper said.
"I'm not going to get in your guys way during the day. I'm pretty sure you do alot more then just work on inventions and go to meetings during the day. Considering everytime I come home Jarvis is always shut off."
Peppers cheeks lit up, and Dad smirked.
"You guys...are...I'm not gonna say anythng, I'm just gonna get out of the car now, and say that I'll see you after school in hopes that I'm getting a ride home."
There faces fall
I groaned, "Wheres the meeting this time?"
"It's in Italy, we won't be home until Tomorrow afternoon. But the good news is that tomorrows Saturday!" Dad said. I smiled a small smile. That means that I had to walk home...
"Have fun, don't bring me back a crappy T-shirt." I joked, they smiled and we parted our ways.
The rest of the day went as normal, and I made up everything I had to make up. At times like this, I wished I had friends so I could get a ride home. I started the walk back to the house, and it sucked. Mainly because I was afraid that I was going to run into Hammer again.
My mind began to wander, to when Loki attacked.
 I remember sitting down at my laptop in my room doing a paper when Dad walked in with The Avengers. but I didn't know that then.
"Buttercup. I need you to do me a huge favor and pack a bag. For just maybe about a week. We have to go."
"Why? What's going on, and who are all of these people?" I asked. Not really scared, just nervous.
"I'll explain on the way, just please." His eyes begging me to just do what he said, I sighed but none the less did what he asked. I packed my bag and the moment it was zipped up someone grabbed at and Dad grabbed my hand and we went off into a hellcarrier. I was struggling to keep up, and when we got to the stairs and almost tripped. We got in, and it took off, I fell down breathing heavily.
"So did you happen to forget your asthmatic daughter who actually was told NOT. to run?" I said sarcastically while wheezing, trying to find my non existant breath.  Dad smiled in a sorry way, and handed me my inhailer from my bag. I used it and regained my breath.
"You know the hair, and the eyes, and the weak body I don't care if I got that from Mom, but she had to go and give me this cursed asthma!" I complained, "Now we're here...sort of. What's going on? Where we you yesterday? Pepper said something about research and then all of a sudden you didn't come home and-"
"Let us explain." The guy with long blond hair said, "I am Thor, this is Natasha, that is Bruce, and That is Steve. My brother and I come from another realm with the name of Asgard, and we are gods. My brother plans on taking over the earth. And you being a loved one is not safe at home. We must defeat my brother before he takes over the earth, but Tony insisted that we come get you before anything bad happens." I nodded my head. And looked at my dad.
"If it wasn't for the fact that you're Iron Man and living off of energy, I wouldn't believe a thing that he said. But uhm...this means that I don't to go to school until all of this is over right?"
Dad smiled and nodded. "Good, because there is no way that I was gonna be able to finish that essay by tomorrow." I mumbled. I heard Natasha giggle. I looked back at her and smiled. We got to a very large loooking...I wasn't quite sure what to call it. Plane? It was something. Inside, I was rushed to my room and told to stay there until everything was safe.

I was thrown out of my thoughts someone pulled me behind a tree. That was when everything went black.

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