Day 6

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I laid there on the ice cold floor, why hadn't anyone come? Was it that hard to find an abandoned hospital? Or maybe he didn't want me to be found...There was a knock at the door. It was time again. My body was broken. I was covered in gashes and bruises. He's yet to break any limbs, but I sure wish that he had. The same man whom always comes in came in. His green slimy skin, his peircing orange eyes. He looked kind of like a frog. I knew he was an alien, I knew he was the source of all of Hammers power. I just didn't know how to stop it. The stones he had, the knives. Everything, it was all not from here. To sharp, to warm, it burnt whenever it peirced my skin. I limped out without a fight as Morning lullabies played in my head. Remember my moms voice made everything better.

I laid down on her lap as I cried, my nightmare filled dream wouldn't go away. 6 years old, and I felt more alone then I ever had before. 

"And then a man with no face came up to me and told me that you're were gone." I cried to her and clung to her for dear life. 

"Oh shh, baby girl I'll be okay." She held me closer as I felt tears hit my head. Her cancer was spreading, and I knew this time next year she wouldn't be there, she knew as well. I was too smart for my own age, I blamed her for it. Until I had met my father. Then I knew I got all those smarts from him.


"Yes baby girl?"

"Where's daddy? Why isn't he here?"

"Baby I've told you this so many times since you found out about my sickness. He's busy sweety. Daddys busy trying to make a name for himself. And I chose the best thing that's ever happened to me instead."

"Does that mean daddy doesn't love me?"

"Oh sweety of course daddy loves you! Daddy just has alot on his plate. When you turn 10 I promise that you and daddy will see eachother again."

"Why not now?"

"Because baby girl daddy needs time for himself for alittle while."

"Okay...Mommy can you sing me to sleep?"

"Of course

I will watch you heal I'll watch you heal with me

I will sing you morning lullabies you are beautiful and peaceful this way

I know you have to close your eyes on everyone let me help you

I'll sing you to sleep with morning lullabies."

A slap to the face pulled me out of my memories.

"Girl! I told you to say hi to your father!" Hammer spat.

My head slumped, "Daddy. Please I need you." I whispered. And the tortuing started again.

I laid on the floor as Hammer zoomed the camera in on my bruised face when I caught sight of something on the wall. An old picture that looked oddly familar. My dad and I smiling widely when I was 9. Then I remember. This hopsital shut down about 6 months after I had gotten my stiches in my arm because they were moving to a larger one.

"Now Tony, remember this face. Because this time tomorrow your daughter will be dead and that is a promise."

"Hammer?" I croaked. He looked at me waiting for me to speak, "Can I tell my dad one last story before you kill me tomorrow?" I asked. 

He laughed, "What a good idea! Now he can be tormented more." He spat.

"Daddy, I know you remember this. Because it was the most hilarious thing that we ever thought could happen and Pepper threw such a fit. Do you remember when I got that gash in my arm from trying to help you with your arc reactor? And then we went to the hospital and spent 3 hours in the emergency room waiting for them to stich me up while Pepper paced the floor swearing about how no one understood that this could be a life or deat situation. And we sat their laughing. But when they put the needle in my arm I started to scream and cry, and you held my head away but also laughed at my pain. And because Pepper and I were pissed at you, you took us out to get our favorite ice cream then took us to the park so I could go on the swings like I did when I was younger. I know that though that wasn't the most intresting stories, it was one of the best days I've ever had with you and Pepper. And I want you to know that if I die tomorrow that I love you, Pepper, thor, steve, clint, natasha, bruce, and nick. You guys are my family. My disfuntional family that likes to insult eachother. But no matter what happens you will always be my family. And I love you all so much. Just in case this is goodbye, goodbye. And never let anything get in the way of your happiness. Please don't let me affect your future. Marry Natasha clint, and make babies, and Thor get your ass in gear and go get Jane,.  Bruce and Steve, quit looking at yourselves like their isn't someone out their for you. Because trust me when I say that their is. Until next time we see eachother. Have fun." I gave a weak smile as Hammer turned off the camera.

-Tonys point of view.-

"Sir! We have narrowed it down to 7 hospitals!" One of the agents said to Fury. We all sat at the table drinking coffee. All red eyes including Fury whom has grown suck a liking to Annie he looked at her as a neice. 4 days. We've been up for 4 days trying to figure out where they were. But it was so hard to figure it out when there was so many hospitals all over the world. Poor Pepper was heartbroken, but we all were. I checked at the time and my chest clenched. It was that time again. I've watched this for 6 days. Trying to find any clues. Trying to track it, nothing. Hammer had out smarted us this time. Hammer might actually win.

Hammer slapped Annie, and I cringed back. Thor gave a comforting pat on my back.

"Girl! I told you to say hi to your father!" Hammer spat.

her head slumped, "Daddy. Please I need you." she whispered. And the tortuing started again. My eyes wouldn't stop tearing up as I sat their feeling hopeless. Finally she beaten down to where she was on the floor as Hammer zoomed the camera in to her bruised broken face.

"Now Tony, remember this face. Because this time tomorrow your daughter will be dead and that is a promise." My heart stopped when I heard that as I looked over at Fury.


"Sir! can I go?" Natasha asked.

"No. You and clint are both a part of this, you need to be here. We will find her don't worry." He went back to barking orders but stopped when Annie spoke once again. But we all did that. Everytime she spoke we all hung on to her words as if they were water that we hadn't drunken in months.

"Hammer?" she croaked, "Can I tell my dad one last story before you kill me tomorrow?"  

He laughed, "What a good idea! Now he can be tormented more." He spat.

"Daddy, I know you remember this. Because it was the most hilarious thing that we ever thought could happen and Pepper threw such a fit. Do you remember when I got that gash in my arm from trying to help you with your arc reactor? And then we went to the hospital and spent 3 hours in the emergency room waiting for them to stich me up while Pepper paced the floor swearing about how no one understood that this could be a life or deat situation. And we sat their laughing. But when they put the needle in my arm I started to scream and cry, and you held my head away but also laughed at my pain. And because Pepper and I were pissed at you, you took us out to get our favorite ice cream then took us to the park so I could go on the swings like I did when I was younger. I know that though that wasn't the most intresting stories, it was one of the best days I've ever had with you and Pepper. And I want you to know that if I die tomorrow that I love you, Pepper, thor, steve, clint, natasha, bruce, and nick. You guys are my family. My disfuntional family that likes to insult eachother. But no matter what happens you will always be my family. And I love you all so much. Just in case this is goodbye, goodbye. And never let anything get in the way of your happiness. Please don't let me affect your future. Marry Natasha clint, and make babies, and Thor get your ass in gear and go get Jane,.  Bruce and Steve, quit looking at yourselves like their isn't someone out their for you. Because trust me when I say that their is. Until next time we see eachother. Have fun." She gave a weak smile and the screen went black. My mind started racing. Why had she said that story of all stories?

"Why did she say that story? of all stories to say what relavence did that story have in this whole situation? We went to the hospital- Son of a bitch." I said standing up.

"What?" Bruce asked.

"We took Annie to the hospital, months after we had to switch to the new one because they closed the old one down for a larger area. More buildings and such." I explained.

Pepper gasped, "That's so close to home. Why would Hammer choose someplace so close to home?"

"He's hitting us where we would least expect it."

"SUIT UP! We're going to get Annie back." Fury said, "Agent Hill until I come back you are in charge. But do know that I will be back by tomorrow early morning with Annie." He warned. She nodded and we all went to get ready.

I was going to get my daughter back.

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