A New Dad

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I know I don't really do authors notes, but I figured I might as well. I don't have a specific time to post, I try for everyday but now that schools coming up that won't be possible. So I'm gonna aim for every other day, or atleast 3 times a week. I'm getting really busy, and on the weekends unless I stay up all night writing isn't really an option due to the fact that I'm spending all my time with my friends, or looking up things about college. (That's usually what happens when you're a senior.) Haha, I want to say thankyou for those that are reading any of my stories, but I would appriciate some feedback. Whether it be good or bad. If it's bad, give me some ideas to change it, if you feel like I'm going to fast, or not fast enough then I'm sorry, but I have very big plans for all of my Avenger stories...I'm not addicted, I just have very strong feelings for the movie! I would very much apprecite if you guys voted or commented. You don't have to. And don't think I'm writing for you guys. It just makes me feel good to get a comment or a vote. So that's it! This will be on the other 2 stories too, so if you're reading more then one then you can just ignore this!


 I woke up the next morning feeling bland and plain. Like I always do. I got dressed slowly, and walked down to the kitchen.
"Morning Buttercup." Dad mumbled.
"Morning sweetheart." Pepper said. They both looked tired.
"Morning." I murmured and continued to walk down the stairs. I decided that I needed to eat. So I grabbed an orange and started to peel it. Sitting down on a bar stool as Pepper and Tony sat there and drank their coffee. They looked nervous. Like they wanted to bring something up with me.
"Why are you guys staring at me like that?" I asked. Getting annoyed.
"Nothing." Dad said quickly, but still eyeing me.
"Dad, I've known you since I was 7. That's 10 years, I think I can tell when you're lieing. Now tell me."
He winced but sighed, "You look really unhealthy. Is there anything going on?"
"Just winter time. You know in winter time I look sick."
"But not this sick."
"Well I'm fine so you can stop worrying." I snapped, "I'm going to school."
"Do you want a ride?"
"No. I want to walk today." I mumbled, and left. I sighed while I began my long walk to school. I shouldn't have snapped at him. He was only worried. I just I'm not in the mood for anything. I walked while munching on my orange, trying to eat it slowly. I felt someone behind, I looked behind me and I saw no one. I shrugged off my feeling of uneasiness and continued walking. Until I heard footsteps, so I looked back again. Once again I saw nothing. When I sped up, the footsteps sped up. Until I was running. Arms went around my waist and pulled me into the woods. Someone gagged me and threw me at a tree. I was scared, I looked and saw Hammer. I mentally rolled my eyes. This guy was pathetic. Until I saw a very largevery ugly man behind him. Well he honestly looked like some sort of alien. But still.
My eyes widened in fear. What if they kidnapped me? I felt a punch to my gut. I fell over in pain. Roughly I was picked up, and they had something, it looked like a rock...they put it on my arm. I felt like I was on fire. I screamed through the gag as the tears spilt out.
"Now, you tell Ironman that if he doesn't want this to happen again then he'll back down got it?" Hammer hissed. I nodded. Tears in my eyes. The ran away and pulled off in a car that pulled up. I ripped the gag off then looked at my arm. There was a burn there. It looked like a regular burn. I would say burnt myself in physics. The tears spilt over. I couldn't tell my father to back down. He was succesful. And apart of The Avengers. It made him happy. I couldn't go to school. Not looking like this. I sat under the tree until school was out then walked back home. I got up my house, puffy eyes, and looking tired. I heard a car screech into the driveway. I looked back and it was a very anrgy Dad.
"I was at school for half the day, then left early..." I lied.
"Why did you leave early?"
"What in the hell happened to your arm?"
"Thats sorta why I left early. We were doing a lab and the bunsen burner fell over and got my arm..." I lied.
My dads eyes softened, "Why didn't you call me?"
"I figured you'd be busy, or with Pepper..."
He sighed,"Come on, lets go get this cleaned up some." He put an arm on my shoulder and led me inside. We walked into the bathroom and he got some weird cream out and rubbed it gently on my arm. I winced and bit my lip to hold in my screams. A reply of today flashing through my head. It was at war with itself. Should I tell him? Coudln't he just call the Avengers and they could find Hammer and stop this? But what if Hammer is stronger then what he used to be? I don't want to risk his life...
"How about you and me go out tonight?" Dad asked breaking the silence.
"Uhm where?"
"Anywhere you want to go."
"Theres not really anywhere I want to go dad..."
"How about we go to New York, and we can go to Time Square. I know how much you love it there."
"Uhm...yeah sure..." I mumbled. I did love Time Square. I just wasn't in much mood to go, but if he wanted to, I would.
We got the burn cleaned up, and then he let me go get cleaned up so we could go. I washed my face and changed.
"Alright, I'm ready." I yelled as I walked out of the room.
"Come on buttercup." Dad yelled while we walked up to the top of the roof.
We sat in silence for the 2 hours to New York, as I sat there twidling my thumbs. I didn't know what to do. What if I told him and he got mad at me? What if I told him, and he didn't believe me? Ugh! I'll just keep my mouth shut, and see what happens. Besides it's not like Hammer will do anything else. I'll just start getting rides to school, and home, and I won't be alone. That's all. He won't be able to do anything then. The 2 hour ride went alot faster to me while I argued with myself. We stopped at dads bulding and then went from there.
"Where do you wanna go first?"
"Uhm...I don't know, we could walk around and see what we find?" I said, trying to get my mind off of thinking. We walked to M&M's world and walked inside. Instently, my mind was off of everything but sweets as I ran around, looking at everything and anything. Sweets were definetly my one true weakness.
"Calm down, calm down!" Dad yelled chasing after me, "Now, what do you want?"
"Is everything an option?" I joked. I smiled for the first time in a long time.
"How about just a pound?"
"It'll last me....about a day so yeah sure!" I laughed.
We went from there to the disney store, and Dad thought it would be funny to get me a small plush Iron Man toy.
"Come on! You'll have your dad with you at all times!"
I rolled my eyes, and walked ahead of him, but still holding the doll. I looked down and smiled. I would have him with me at all times...
"Ha! I knew you liked it!"Dad said catching up to me.
"I never said I didn't like it, I just rolled my eyes at your cheesiness!"
"Are you hungry?"
I felt my empty stomach. If there was anytime to eat it would be now.
"Sure!" We went to a random looking resturant and got our seats. It shocked me that no one had noticed Dad yet. It was probably because he was wearing not a suit. And unless we was just at home, he was always in a suit...that I know of.
"What can I get you guys?" This...very cute waiter asked. He had beautiful green eyes, and black curly hair. He was gorgeous. He looked at me first.
"Uhm...can I get uhm...ice tea please?" I stammered.
"Alright and you sir?"
"Well for starters can I get rum and for you to quit oggling my daughter." He stated. The boy blushed and walked away. I slammed my head on the table.
"DAAAAD! He was so cute, why? Why did you have to do that?"
"You're my little girl."
"Yeah I'm 17 and I've never even had my first kiss! Do you realize how pathetic I am? What if he was my soul mate and you just scared him off?"
"Well you don't need a guy!"
"Ugh." I groaned and looked down at my menu.
"Here you guys go. Would either of you like a straw?"
"Yes please." I said, and my dad shook his head no. He handed me a straw and made sure my dad wasn't looking and winked at me. I looked at the straw cover to notice it had his number on it. I smiled at him.
"Are you guys ready to order?"
We nodded and ordered. I put the cover to the straw in my pocket when my dad was saying what he wanted. He sipped his rum and we sat there in a comfortable silence. Obviously lost in our own thoughts. Unfortunetly mine weren't very good ones.
"You know, when I was kidnapped you were the main reason I came back. I know I haven't been a very good dad. I haven't been protecting you enough. I haven't been trying, and I'm sorry about that. It's hard to see you everyday looking so sad. I wish I could say that I know how to make you happy, but I don't. But I want to try." I sat there, trying to figure out what to say. I knew he wantes to try. But I didn't want him to put all of his efforts into me. So I said something I've only said to him once before.
"I love you daddy." He looked shocked, but in a happy way.
"I love you too Buttercup." We sat there, and we ate once our food arrived. Walking back to Uptown Manhatten seemed like a journey. I was tired, and I hadn't eaten that much in  a long time.
"You tired?"
"Yeah. I haven't walked this far in awhile."
"Want a piggy back ride?"
"I don't know can your old man body handle carrying a 17 year old girl all the way to the top of Stark Tower?"
"Please! I'm 36 I'm not old!"
"I'll prove you wrong, I fight crimes almost everyday I think I can give you a piggy back ride." I smiled in success. I won! He walked, ok strike that. HE walked back to Stark Towers. He was in alot better shape then I thought he was for almost being 40. I fell asleep on the way there, I couldn't help it. This was probably the best day I had ever had.

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