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sunnie answers the phone call from moonbin, speaking softly so that she doesn't awaken anyone.

"moonbin? its so late, why are you calling me?"

"sunshine, i missed you... kayoung is trying to hid on me recently and been spreading rumors that me and her are dating, but i only like her as a friend. i need time from her. may i come to your dorm for a little bit?" moonbin explained.

"what if you get caught sneaking out? i dont want you to get in trouble."

"i dont care, i just want to see you. please? i miss your bright smile." moonbin whined.

"fine... my dorm is dorm 87, just text me when you're here, dont knock. ill open the door so that my dorm mates wont wake up." sunnie couldnt help moonbin being upset. after all, they were always there for each other, especially after sunnie's brother passed.

moonbin texted sunnie that he was by the door and sunnie opened the door to let him in.

as soon as sunnie closed the door, moonbin hugged her tightly.

"layu... im glad to see you again. you're either busy or visiting your mom now. not that anything's wrong with that, its just that i miss you a lot. i hope your mom is doing good too. she was always a good person, especially when i met her. she was very polite." moonbin said.

"silly binnie, its only been a few days. lets sit down and talk."

they sat down on the couch, moonbin still cuddling her.

"how are your dorm mates by the way? i regret being dorm mates with kayoung, i shouldve dormed with my best friend." moonbin once again complained about his dorm mates.

"my dorm mates are fun to be around. although i wish you were my dorm mate as well. but kayoung is a very nice person, how can she be annoying?" sunnie was curious.

"aish.. she's always trying to hold my hand, hug me, ask me to do her homework, ask for my opinion on her outfits, and tried asking me out once. its so annoying." moonbin complained.

"haha poor binnie.. have you asked her to stop at least? i hope you didn't rage out on her yet..." sunnie asked.

"yes, i asked her to stop many times. no, i havent raged out on her. even if i try to, i just look like an angry puppy. the cute kind, not the scary one." moonbin whined again.

"scary doesn't fit you binnie. you're more of a furry person. its cute haha." sunnie said.

"sunnie... is it okay if i go to your brothers funeral with you and your mom?" moonbin nervously asked.

"of course moonbin... my brother always liked you as a person and im pretty sure my mom would love to see you again."

their conversations went on and on. suddenly johnny woke up to sunnie's laughter. when johnny saw that sunnie wasn't in her bed, he silently peeked his head out the door and saw that sunnie was on the couch with moonbin.

"what is he doing? did sunnie let him in?" so many thoughts came in johnny's head, so he just went back to sleep, hoping he was just dreaming.

"moonbin, its 12. you should head back to your dorm." sunnie said.

"aw.. okay. thank you for talking with me though sunshine. good bye!" moonbin hugged sunnie one last time and headed his way back to his dorm.

oh how much he misses sunnie already...

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