I remembered the dream I had.

"Yesterday with the tree, that was no accident. That was fully intentional. And there is more where that came from."

I shivered and tried to get closer to Jake. I was terrified. What if it had been intentional?

I didn't know how long we had been walking, but Jake seemed to relax a little.

I moved my head so I could see out of one eye. We were making our way towards a black SUV parked on the side of the road. I was quickly learning that Jake must really like the color black.

He opened the drivers side door and put me on the dark leather seat. He moved some hair off my forehead and his lips turned down in a deep frown.

Without taking his eyes off of me, he pulled out his cell phone. He tapped his foot impatiently as he held the phone to his ear. Finally, I was able to here someones voice on the other line.

"Took you long enough," Jake snapped. "Something happened to Lila."

I heard a pause before the voice got louder and more urgent.

"Does it matter?! Just get over here now!"

Jake told the person on the other end what street we were on and hung up.

He stuffed his phone in the pocket of his loose-fit jeans and crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the side of the car. His eyes looked me over and they were clouded with worry.

"How did you find me?" I tried to speak loud, but it wasn't happening.

"I have my ways." He said mysteriously.

I decided not to question it. I felt more and more exhausted as time passed. Once again, I found myself not being able to keep my eyes open.


A hand shook me softly and I had to force my eyes open. Jake stood over me with his hands resting on either side of me. I gulped and held my breath.

"I need you to keep your eyes open, okay? You can rest later, but I need to make sure you're okay for now," he spoke with a sense of authority and I felt myself waking up a little more. "You're pretty beat up sweetheart." My heart fluttered slightly, and I quickly pushed the feeling away.

I felt tears slip down my cheeks. The pain was becoming overwhelming, I just wanted it to stop. Jake's face softened and he climbed in next to me and pulled me into him. I didn't know why, but I instantly felt comforted by being in his arms.

He rested his head down on mine. "It's going to be okay Lila. I'm here. I'm going to make sure you're okay." I found myself believing his words.

We stayed in that position until the sound of another car engine was heard and headlights flashed in the windshield.

Jake straightened and slowly got out of the car, resuming the position where his arms were crossed. He looked menacing as he watched the car come to a stop.

My eye widened as I saw the car. A white truck. Brady hopped out of the car and quickly made his way over. He looked angry and his blonde hair was messily laying over his forehead.

He took one glance at me and without any hesitation, he punched Jake right in the jaw. Jake took one step back, but shook it off as if it didn't hurt him at all.

"What did you do to her?!" Brady screamed and I shrunk at the volume.

Jake narrowed his eyes at him, looking calm and patient, which was unsettling. "I didn't do anything. This wasn't me."

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