Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:


I felt someone tapping my shoulder and I opened my eyes slowly. I looked up to meet the eyes of Brady. I smiled a little.

Brady was my neighbor in English. We would always revise each other's essays. He definitely had a talent for writing.

He stood tall with short blonde hair and green eyes that were always friendly. He wore his red and black letterman jacket that he got from being on the football team. He held out his hand and I thanked him as he helped me up.

"The first bell just rang and I thought I'd wake you up." He smiled.

"Thanks Brady," I said in relief. I could've been late to class.

"No problem. See you in English!" He waved and made his way down the crowded hallway. I watched as he walked away before heading to math.

When I walked in, Jake was already at his desk. He barely looked at me as I sat down. I tried to give him a friendly smile, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Hi Cindy." I greeted as she passed. She grinned at me and waved, her metal bracelets clinking together.

She looked from me to Jake and wiggled her eyebrows. Jake was looking in the opposite direction luckily. I shook my head and laughed.

I felt more awake than I did this morning and I had almost forgotten about last nights events.

I twirled my pencil in my fingers absently and the bell finally rung. As class started, I vaguely noticed that Nicky wasn't in her seat. She was usually never late for class. But that was the old Nicky.

Jake didn't speak to me the whole class period. He didn't ask for help and he didn't set up another tutoring appointment.

I just shrugged it off and figured that he didn't need to be tutored anymore. When the bell rang I headed to English after putting my textbook away. I sat next to Brady and gave him a smile. He greeted me politely.

"How was math?" He asked.

"Pretty easy. Finished my homework," I shrugged.

He shook his head with a small smile gracing his lips. "I wish math was like that for me. I'm barely passing."

"At least you're passing," I pointed out.

"Very true." He chuckled.

Our conversation died down as the bell rang. Mrs. Walker stood up from her desk and stood in front of the class with her hands clasped in front of her.

Her brown hair was thrown up in a bun and her white blouse hung over her long blue skirt.

She started class talking about our essay. She repeated the instructions and the due date.

As she was turning on the projector, Brady turned to me. "What are you doing your essay on?"

I thought about it for a moment. "Probably the angels and demons. Haven't really figured it out yet."

"Me neither. Haven't even thought about it to be honest," he said sheepishly.

I smiled. "Don't procrastinate. It'll just stress you out," I advised.

I thought the conversation would end there but he looked like he wanted to say something else. He tapped his fingers on the desk and opened his mouth to say it right as Mrs. Walker started the lesson.

"I need to ask you something after class," he whispered. I nodded and turned my attention to the front.

I tried to pay attention, but my mind kept wandering. Guesses on what Brady wanted to ask me was all I could really focus on.

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