Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

My eyes opened slowly and the first thing that registered was pain. Sheer pain. A loud groan escaped my mouth. I couldn't move.

Everything around me was blurry and I realized my glasses had fallen off into my lap. I couldn't seem to remember where I was or what happened.

My body felt like it was on fire. Like it was just one giant bruise. I could see some shapes and I slowly realized I was in my car. Then I remembered. My brakes.

I tried to get up, but one simple movement sent more pain shooting up my body. I felt something warm running down my forehead. It felt sticky. I felt it slide down my cheek until it reached the edge of my mouth.

I moved my tongue towards it and a metallic taste filled my mouth. Blood. I wanted to scream for help, but I had a feeling no one would hear me.

It was eerily silent around me except for a small rustle of leaves from the tree above my car.

I tried to see the damage done, but I only saw blurry shapes. I lifted my hand and winced instantly, dropping it back down. I heard a sigh escape my lips.

I felt exhausted. My eyelids felt like weights and I could barely stay conscious.

As I started to close my eyes, I heard a faint sound in the distance. It was so small that I thought I had imagined it.

It soon got louder. It sounded like someone running. I was able to turn my head slightly and I saw a black form coming towards me. My heart beat faster and I almost smiled.

The first thought that ran through my head was Brady, but the figure looked taller than him.

My eyes fluttered a little before closing. I heard the door being thrown open, but it sounded far away.

"Lila?! Please Lila open your eyes!" The person sounded frantic and I felt a gentle hand grip my shoulder.

The pain jerked my eyes open and I met a pair of dark grey eyes that were widened with worry.

"Jake," I barely recognized my own voice. My throat was dry, making my voice sound scratchy.

I heard him let out a string of curse words, but he looked relieved. He picked up my glasses and moved them over my eyes very gently. He rested a hand on my cheek.

"What happened?" His eyes were cold and hard.

"My brakes..." I felt a tear escape my eye and he wiped it away gently.

He looked around the car and grabbed my bag which had been thrown to the backseat.

He threw it over his shoulder and looked at me. "I'm going to have to pick you up. It's probably going to hurt but you'll just have to bare with me."

He slid his hands underneath my legs and behind my back. He lifted me up slowly and brought me to his chest. I rested my head against him.

I glanced over at my car and choked back a gasp. The whole front of it was crushed inwards and the windshield was nonexistent as pieces of glass littered the ground and the front seats. By the looks of the car, I was lucky to be alive.

I felt my right hand clutching Jake's shirt in a fist and I buried my head in his chest. His grip tightened and I felt him start to walk away.

He seemed to be walking fast and he was muttering incoherent things under his breath.

Everything had happened so fast. The brakes not working. The crash. Jake appearing out of nowhere. I tried to process everything but nothing made sense at this point. My brakes had been working fine earlier.

Pure IntentionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora