Chapter 34

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I arrived in Washington with a grin. I was no longer reliant on alcohol or meaningless hookups in order to be happy - that was something that I never thought was possible for me.

It was when I was able to let go of my mother when I was able to move on with my life. My only regret was not doing it sooner.

I took a cab straight from the airport to Andi's apartment. I hadn't seen or spoken to her since I had left Washington two days prior.

It was a weekday, so I sat in front of her door waiting for hours - till the clock struck six pm, which I knew was the time she would come home from work.

I pulled out my cell phone where I scrolled through my contact list. A smile spread across my face as coming across Sarah's name. I clicked on her name instantly before pressing my cell against my ear.

"Hi," the voice greeted after thirty seconds of ringing.

"Hey Sarah, it's Ned-" I smiled.

"-You have reached Sarah Jeffrey" she continued "sorry I missed your call, leave your name and number after the beep and I'll get back to you"

I looked down and sighed. It's just a voice recording.

"Hey, Sarah it's Ned Carter" I repeated "I just wanted to say thanks for everything you did for me this year...I dunno how you did it but I think I'm in love...." I scratched the back of my neck in awkwardness "...and I'm going to tell her tonight...I have a feeling that this wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for you and Thanks" I ended the call before stuffing my cell in my back pocket.

"You're back?" A voice greeted from the distance.

I shot my head up to find Andi with a long black coat. I stood up from the floor quickly as taking a step towards her.

"Yeah my flight came in this morning" I smiled "look, Andi, I have something to tell you"

"Well tell me from inside" she half-smiled as pulling out her key "it's freezing out here"

I followed her through her apartment quickly as we then came to a complete stop in her kitchen.

I had wasted far too much time feeling sorry for myself, after my mum left and my sister died. It was time for me to start being honest with myself and those around me.

"Andi I love you and not in the way I tell other girls so they can sleep with me," I told her "...I had an attractive woman who wanted me to bang her on the flight over here! But I said no...because you're the only woman that I ever want to have sex with"

"...Ned" she looked down in fear.

"Look I get it, you chew men up then spit them out...and I know neither of our parents stayed together...But we will be different" I assured her.

Andi sighed "How do you know?"

"Because you push people away Andi....and I'm clingy as Fuck" I smiled "it's a perfect balance"

There was a moment of pure silence as she pondered over her answer.

"I don't know about this Ned" she admitted "I don't know how to a relationship"

That made two of us.

"What and you think I do? We'll work it out" I laughed "look I love you, Andi, if you don't feel the same way about me then say so now and I'll leave"

She struggled to smile, as wiping away the tears that were beginning to form. "of course I love you Ned" she admitted "You're the only person on earth who knows me inside matter how much I push you away I know you will come running straight back to me"

"So what do you say?" I smirked, "You wanna make this official?"

She nodded slowly with a smile "yeah, let's make this official"

I wrapped my arms around Andi's waist, pulling her closer to my body. She ran her fingers down my jaw as I pressed my lips against her's.

My entire life had lead me to that moment, standing there with Andi in Washington. In that moment, everything really did fall into place.

"Yay!" A voice cried from a distance. Andi and I pulled away before looking in the woman's direction. "I'm so happy for you two" Liesl grinned.

"Thanks, Lissie" I smiled at the woman.

My smile immediately dropped after processing what I had just called her. I guess apart of me still needed Elise's validation.

Gina and my sister were always the people to keep me on track, and I guess after they both passed, apart of me felt that I still needed looking after.

Liesl half-smiled "hey, my mum used to call me that"

"C'mon let's eat" Andi gave me a knowing look.

Andi knew was that name meant to me and how much I missed my sister. In a way, Liesl filled a void in my heart. She was Andi's best friend, just like Elise was mine.

I nodded slowly to Andi as following the two to the kitchen. "What are we having?" I asked.

"Pizza" Liesl cheered "No anchovies, extra pepperoni, extra cheese"

Liesl's words stuck me with deja vu, sending me back five years.

"No anchovies" Elise begged.

"Or what?" I cocked a brow.

"Oh I'll fight you" she warned "don't mess with a pregnant woman buddy"

I smiled at the memory. She really was the best person I have ever known. I miss her with every breath I take.

"fine by me" I assured her.

"Great" Liesl grinned as picking up her cell phone.

"She won't be forgotten Ned" Andi assured me, as taking my hand.

"I'll be forgotten" Elise said with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"How could anyone possibly forget about?" I whispered as kissing her forehead.

I nodded slowly "oh I know" a small smile washed across my face.

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