Chapter 17: Broken

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She was walking extremely fast, almost speed walking. "Geez Anna where's the fire?" I ask making her giggle, "Just wait till you see Elsa. Just wait." She says pushing me fast making me hold on to the sides. I start to notice where we were, we were going to my father's room. "Anna?" I ask as we stop in front of father's room so she can open the door. "You ready?" She ask. "Ready for what?" I ask as she pushes me in and I freeze. I see my father sitting up holding my mother as she cried in his chest and him petting her hair trying to calm her down. "You haven't changed a bit Rosie." I hear my father say as I cover my mouth from letting a sob come out as tears fell from my eyes.

My father's eyes turn to us as he smiles and it quickly goes down. "Elsa... Sweetheart what happened?" My father asked making me laugh a little as Anna pushes me to him. I grab his hand and squeeze it, "It's a long story dad..." I whisper but it just makes him smile. "We have time Elsa. Tell me what I missed."


Dad's been awake for two days now but still in the hospital, I've been going back and forth with visiting him and visiting Jack. I haven't told dad about Jack yet, I don't know how to. Dad is suppose to be out by Christmas which will be nice for us to have it as a family but I also know I'm not fully there with Jack still in the hospital. "Elsa?" I hear making me break form my thoughts to see my dad looking at me. "Oh sorry dad, I was dazing off." I say making laugh a little, "You still have you head in the clouds. I'm glade that hasn't changed." I hear him take a deep breath, "You girls have changed, and grown over the past two years... I can't believe I missed it."

I quickly grab his hand, "All that matters is that you're here now." I see a smile go on his face as he looks down. "So Elsa Rose, are you going to explain that ring on your finger?" He ask making me look down, I totally forgot about my ring... "Umm... Yeah, about that..." Oh lord how was I going to tell him. "This is the ring that boy gave you right? The one that came to visit with and without you sometimes." I feel my eyes widen, "But I didn't..." "Elsa... I heard everything you told me."

"You could hear us?" I ask almost shocked. "Some days yeah, I did. But some days are a blur." Oh my god... Dose he know then? I told him that Jack and I were engaged. I took a deep breath, "So... Do you know about Jack and I?" I ask so scared to ask, was he going to not let me be with Jack now? I see him nod, "I do. I know you two are engaged, and I also know that you two love each other. I think I knew you two loved each other before you guys did." He said with laugh making me glare at him, "You think you're funny, but you're not." I say only to make him laugh more.

"Just say you missed how funny I am" He says but of course I did. "Of course I missed your jokes, I missed everything about you." I say as I hugged him, "I promise I won't leave you again." He says as I pull back and I knew he was right. "When do I get to meet this Jack?" My dad asked and that made my heart sink... "Umm.... I don't know. We didn't tell you the full truth about my crash." I say making him straighten up more. "Tell me." He said his voice serious.

"We were here visiting you and on our way home, Jack's breaks didn't work. His car rolled, his in a coma, I don't know if Jack will wake up..." I say trying not to cry. I feel like I've been crying for months now. I feel my dad tighten his grip on my hand, "Elsa, I didn't not raise you to lose faith so quickly. Did you lose faith that I'd wake up?" He ask and I shook my head, "Of course I didn't." I say quickly and with force. "Then don't you do that to Jack. He needs you more then ever now." He lets go of my hand as he pushes his nurse button.

"Dad if you need something..." I say but I hear a nurse walked in, or I see my mom walk in. "You can't just call me because you miss me Victor." My mother says. "Awe baby, you really shouldn't walk in wearing your uniform. You know how much I love it." My dad said making my mom blush and make me want to puke. "Eww, please don't while I'm in the room." I say making them both laugh. "I didn't call you because I missed you love, even though I do. But I was wondering if you could take Elsa to Jack's room please? I think she needs some time with her boyfriend." I tuned back to my dad, "Dad, today is your day." I say but he just shook his head, "No, today is your day with Jack and since you mother is taking a half day, she'll be hanging out with me. Right babe?" Making her nod.

I wanted to stop him but my mother already grabbed my chair, "You ready to go honey?" My mother ask as I feel my dad kiss my hand, "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He said making me nod, "Yeah dad. Thank you." I say as mom starts to push me away making me turn my head to him, "I love you." I say making him smile, "I love you more." He says back making me smile as mom pushes me away and to the room of my love one.


"Call me if you need me" My mother said leaving me in front of Jack's room. "Okay thank you mom." I say as I open the door to see the one person that I didn't want to see. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask trying to keep calm as I push myself over to see Birdie holding Jack's hand. She looks up at me, with her perfect face. "I just go that news. I can't believe this happened." She said and let out a fake cry only to make my blood boil. "Bullshit Birdie, this crash was on the news, you knew he was here. Why you showed up now though makes me wonder. Why you're here at all is even a better question." I hiss making her glare.

"He might of chosen you Moon-San but don't you think you'd get rid of me that easily. Sooner or later he'll forget about you and come right back to me." She said as she stands and was about to kiss him, "Don't even think about it you bitch." I say making her stop and pull back. "And what are you going to do about it? I mean you can't even walk." She laugh only to piss me off, "My mother works at this hospital, and if I remember right, family is only allowed here which you are not. So I would get out now before I call security." I see her narrow her eyes, "You wouldn't dare." She hissed making me cross my arms, "You really don't think I would? Take the hint Lou-San, Jack and I are meant to be together, you saw only money with him. I see what he really is, a handsome loving man who just wants to be loved back." I roll up close to Jack and grab his hand, "And he gets that from me. Now get the f*ck out." I yell making her take a step back before she quickly walked to the door.

"This isn't the last you seen of me." I hear behind me but I didn't say anything as I hear the door close. "Stupid bitch" I whisper as I place my head down on Jack's hand, "I'm sorry she came and bothered you. I should of gotten here faster." I say as I close my eyes listening to the machine at work. I didn't even realized I fell asleep until I feel something move under my head. I open my eyes and pull back to see Jack's hand moving, I look up at his face to see his eyes start to open slowly. I could see his blue eyes look at me making me gasp, "Jack? Oh God Jack!" I say as I push myself up as I cup his face and kiss him.

I feel him put his hands on top of my hands holding the kiss until he pulled back. I see a small smile go on his face, "Wow... What a way to wake up." He said making me giggle, "It's good to hear your voice." I say feeling tears in my eyes again, god I'm such a wimp. I keep my hands on Jack's face as he keeps his hands on mine as I see his smile go down a little, "As... Amazing as that kiss was, I have to ask...

"Who are you?"

Hey guys! I got another chapter up finally! I'm hoping to update again soon, maybe before Halloween but we'll see! So guys I have a question, I'm thinking of doing a short story, a remake of the The Nutcracker but in Jelsa style, what do you guys think? It would be a Christmas story, so let me know! Also I want to know what you guys going/doing for Halloween, since our son is still really young, we can't really take him trick or treating so I think we'll pass out candy or let him walk around in a costume but we're not sure just yet.

I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think. Leave me comment because I love to hear form you guys and if you like it leave a vote. And until next time guys, sorry for my grammar and spelling and you all rock!


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