Who did not get amaze with a dumbass who suddenly speak like an intelligence? It's a rare thing to see. I might got smarter these days. Who knows I would beat Hoshi in the upcoming exam. My grade weren't so bad even I did not study.

I was depressed inwardly. I was the type of person that hate being narcissism but once I do, I could not stop myself.

I sighed.

Uncle Jaehun casted a father-like smile. He stretched out his arm to caress my head while I was eating.

"Aigoo, my girl has grown up so well..." He ruffled my hair. " Eat more, Haeun. Hoshi will be right he-"

He got cut off by Hoshi who suddenly barged into the house causing me and uncle Jaehun to snap our head to him immediately. We were surprised by his loud voice echoed out of blue in the house.


He smiled with his eyes turned into 10:10 o'clock. I just rolled my eyes and continued eating.



I flinched when Hoshi suddenly hugged me from the back. His hand wrapped around my neck and his cheek was on my head.

"Aish! I almost choked on my food. Get off of me." I coughed.

"But there's no cousin like you," Hoshi said, sitting beside me. He started making cute faces, trying to annoy me more. He wrapped his arm around my arm, poking my cheek.

Only god knows how much I hate this. I tried my best to ignore Hoshi.

"Oh gosh, my Haneni is shooo cute!" Hoshi said, his voice sickly sweet. He pinched my cheek as if I was a baby.

Uncle Jaehun laughed at the name.

"Ew, Haneni? You give up on calling me princess now and call me with another name? Yah. I said get off of me."

I was annoyed and, unclasping him from my arm but he was too stubborn and kept clinging on me.

"Kwon Soonyoung , you better stop or I will really throw your new speaker out from the window." I menaced through gritting teeth and I heard him huffed.

"My Haneni is so mean." He finally unwrapped his around me, sulking.

"Stop it Soonyoung." Uncle Jaehun laughed as he threw a kitchen towel to Hoshi's face.

Hoshi scrunched his nose in disgust. "Eyy that's so dirty!"

"Please don't act cute again. What concept you're trying huh?" I scoffed, looking at him with unpleased expression.

He giggled cutely, and I was itching to hit his adorable face with a pillow.

" Eyy I'm just trying you know. I ain't doing this shit to other people that I don't cherish. You better be grateful, cold sister! "  Hoshi offended.

I could not help but snorted, as Uncle Jaehun too laughed at Hoshi. "You must have lost your mind."

After that, Hoshi excused himself to his room and get rest. He had been tired these days and he said he needs all the sleep until he refused to eat dinner.

"Have some of this," uncle put some kimchi in my plate, and he smiled.

I cringed at the sight of his kindness but shrugged anyways. I did not know why but I felt bubbles in my heart and I ate alot. Its been awhile since I had this kind of feeling which clenched my heart, at some point I was clueless what really it is.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I swallowed my food before took out my phone. Seeing the caller ID, I felt urgent to pick up the phone because Mingyu's calling.

"I need to answer a call," I said and went upstairs to my room. I closed the door and finally answered the call.

"What do you want?"

"What a great way to answer a phone call, Haeun. Are you free right now?" Mingyu asked.

"I'm eating with my uncle. Why?"

"I have no one to eat with so can you eat dinner with me?"



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