Chapter 4 - Shots Fired! (EDITED)

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3rd POV.

It's been five months since the fire incident down the street and Mia's first day at the Daily Planet. As time went on Mia and Clark have been became real close friends. Secretly Mia hoped it will be more than friends soon, but baby steps she assumed. Everyday they grab lunch together and sometimes Jimmy tags along, but today it was just her and Clark. Jimmy will join them later for the press conference today. They were sitting at the diner across the street from the Daily Planet eating sandwiches and discussing the event they have to attend later on that afternoon.

It was a press conference on the new Lex Corp Laboratory opening in the near future. Since the building that was on fire happened to be the old Lex Corps Laboratory. In the meantime, Clark was trying to tell Mia that there was something off about him.

"I just think there is something off about him." Clark said looking down at his food.

Mia gave him a confused look. "Why would you say that?"

Clark shrug his shoulders. "I don't know I just have this feeling."

"A feeling, Clark?"

"Yeah, Superman doesn't even trust him."

Mia gave him another confused look. "How would know that Superman doesn't trust him?"

" see I have asked Superman questions myself since I am a reporter."

Mia nodded her head. "Well I heard back in Central City that he has done a lot of great things for the community of Metropolis. He even came to Central City and I had the opportunity to meet him."

Clark had a surprised look on his face. "Really?"

"Yeah, I had to do an interview of him for the paper. He seemed okay."

"Okay sure Mia whatever you say." Clark said and finished up his lunch.

Eventually Clark and Mia had finished up there lunch and made their way to the press conference of the new Lex Corp Laboratory. Mia had called an Uber to come and pick them up. The Uber came and picked them up a few minutes later.

The press conference was packed with reporters and other random people. They met up with Jimmy as he set up his camera. The conference was held outside of the building since the building was still under construction. Right now everyone was standing outside on a windy day waiting for Lex to show.

Mia shivered and rubbed her arms up and down. "Man is it cold. I didn't think it will be that cold today if I knew I would brought a bigger jacket."

Clark ,being the gentlemen that he was, took off his jacket and draped it over Mia's shoulders. Mia did not expect him to that yet at the same time it was no surprise. He was such a boy scout. The friendly gesture made Mia blush this time. That's one of the many things Mia liked about Clark, that he was gentleman. That right there is a rare find these days. Jimmy looked at them giving them a knowing smirk without their knowledge.

Mia looked at him and smiled. "Thank you, but aren't you going to be cold?"

Clark shook his head no. "The cold doesn't really bother me." Clark said with a smile. They both stared at each other until they're attention was torn from each other by clapping. Mia and Clark turn toward the front of the building to see Lex Luthor himself.

Then he began to speak. "Thank you all for coming to the announcement of my new laboratory, especially the my favorite press the Daily Planet." After he said that it seem that he had eyes on Mia for a second and turn away and continued his speech. "Also, members of the board." He had a look of annoyance which quickly went away.  Again Clark had a feeling something was up.

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