Chapter 3 - Fire (EDITED)

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"Come on" Jimmy shouted for us to follow him to the building. We made it to the area of the building and police are telling people to back up. I pulled out my phone and started to film everything, but some of the people kept trying to get in my way.

"Ugh...there are too many people around." I said in annoyance.

"Mia, I'm going around to see I can get a better view." Clark said running off through the crowd not giving me a chance to answer. I shrug my shoulders and continued filming.

People kept asking where Superman is, as the police tried to keep people back. The fire seemed to continue to spread.

"OH MY GOD SHE JUMPED!" Someone screamed as I saw someone falling from the top floor to their death. People began to scream as she fell. Suddenly I saw a streak of red and blue zoom through the sky and caught the woman in mid air. It was Superman. I quickly fought my way through the crowd to the front where the area was taped off to see Superman put the lady down on a stretcher near the ambulance. I made sure that my phone was still getting this and it was. I cannot believe it I smiled as I saw my favorite hero do what he does best save someone. He flew back up toward the top floors and blew out his freeze breath to put the fire out and flew back down to the ground.

This was my chance to get an interview. "Superman over her-"

"Excuse me! Coming through with the Daily Planet here." I was pushed aside by non other than Lois Lane. How did she get here so fast? "Superman, can I get an interview with you?"

Superman looked over to where we were and flew over toward Lois. "Sure." He said smiling.

I can't believe she just got in front of me and stole my chance to interview Superman. Fine if she wants to play dirty then so will I.

"So Superman can I get a picture of you for the paper?" I asked interrupting their conversation. They both turned to look at me.

"Sure" He said and moved over to me. I saw an angry look on Lois' face. Oh, well she will get over it. I took the picture of Superman with some of the fireman and the people he saved. Then he flew off. I really wanted to take a selfie with him, but I was too nervous to ask.

"How did you get an interview with Superman? I tried to but he seemed too distracted." I turn to see Clark standing behind me.

I could not hold back the smile. "Yes, it was amazing. I never thought I would get the chance to talk to Superman." I felt like a fan girl who meet her celebrity crush.

"That's nice your first day on the job and you met Superman." Clark said.

Then we began to walk toward the Daily Planet. This day just got a whole lot better.


"Well this is incredible. The photage is good and the photo of Superman. I'm impress, Jones." Perry said. All the staff including me, Clark, Jimmy, and Lois were currently in a meeting in Perry's office due to the fire down the street. He was looking at the video on my phone.

"Mia, I want you to write the main headline about this story. I want it on my desk tomorrow morning." After he gave out a few more instructions to the rest of the staff we all left his office.

I was walking back to my desk when I heard my name come out of Lois mouth. She was talking to Jimmy beside her desk. I went over to my desk and listened in on their conversation since she wasn't that far from my desk.

"I just know she is going to be trouble, for me especially." Lois said.

Jimmy rolled his eyes. "Come on Lois give her a break. Your just jealous she stole Superman's attention away from you. You're going to have to get use to the fact that she may have an interaction with Superman too."

Lois scuffed, "Please, it was just beginners luck. She just need to watch her back." Jimmy shook his head and walked away.

'Wow, she takes her job and Superman way too seriously.' I thought to myself.

"Hey, Mia you okay? You look upset." Clark asked with an concern look on his face.

"I'm fine." I said and Clark simply nodded his head and continued to work.


It was late in the night and everyone had went home I was still working on the article trying to make sure it look good. I was almost done until someone tapped my shoulder; I almost had a heart attack until I saw it was Clark.

"Good lord, Clark, you almost gave me a heart attack. I thought you went home." I said placing a hand over my heart.

He chuckled and sat at his desk. "Sorry, I just did not want to leave you alone to walk home by yourself."

"Thanks, but you did not have to." I said smiling at him.

"No problem."

"I'm done anyway we can head home now." I said standing up and grabbing my purse. Clark and both started to head home.

Clark walked me to my apartment door. We stopped our conversation when Clark pointed out a gifted wrapped box on the floor.

"Do you know who would send these?" Clark asked with cation. "Is it..uhm...from your boyfriend?" Clark asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"No, I doubt it is my parents." I said smirking at his question. I was about to pick it up and open, but I was stopped by Clark.

"Wait let me check it out first." He bent down and pick up the box. He pushed his glasses down a little and look at really hard.

"It's probably nothing." I said

"Yeah, you're right. " He says in a very sure way.

I opened the box to see red roses and a card that says, 'Welcome to Metropolis. See you soon. '

Me and Clark exchanged confused looks.

"Maybe it's the Landlord being nice." I suggested.

Clark shook his head, "He has never done that for me."

"It's probably nothing." We said good night and went into our apartments. I still wondered who sent me the flowers.

Superman Fanfiction (DISCONTINUED!! (for revamp version))Where stories live. Discover now