Chapter 4: A Witch and Her Knowledge

Start from the beginning

She covered herself up with leggings and a grey sweater that clung to her slim form. Her long brown hair was tied into a knot atop her head. She briefly considered putting makeup on but the circles under her eyes weren't very pronounced, making her brown eyes appear larger and brighter. The freckles that were a bit lighter today and while it still appeared that someone had flicked mud on to her; she didn't mind the look as much today. So, she grabbed her bag and headed out of her room.

"Where are you running off to?" a low drawl emerged from the shadows.

Alice turned to see George leaning up against the doorframe as she was collecting her keys and jacket from the closet near the front door. He had switched from his training gear into a pair of grey slacks, and white button down shirt. His hair – a shade lighter than hers – was damp still from a recent shower.

"Out," Alice watched him carefully, not really wanting to explain where she was going.

George smirked, "I take it you're going out to try and figure out a way to separate yourself from the rest of the trainees. Again."

Alice frowned slightly, but said, "I might be. I don't see why it is any of your business."

"Ali, don't be like that," George spread his arms wide in a mock invite for a hug, "You know that I want nothing but the best for you. I want you to succeed."

"Oh, is that kindness when you embarrass and put me down in front of other trainees on a daily," Alice crossed her arms, trying to keep her tone as light as possible. But failing as the bitterness crept into her tone.

George frowned, a genuine expression of remorse crossing his features, "I'm only hard on you because I care for you. There is a lot riding on you and your ability to overcome your...disability."

"I know that, I know that without having to be reminded of it," Alice said, feeling a flush come to her cheeks at his wording.

"I apologize for the insensitivity I'm just trying to push you," George came closer to her, wrapping his arms around her. "I just want what's best for you and this family."

Alice stood there stiffly but allowed the hug and accepted his words. In a strange way, it was what everyone here was doing. Covering for the act that she was human and shouldn't have a room beneath this roof. But they had taken pity on her, clothed her, fed her, and given her her own space and allowed her to train with the others. And so, she took a step away from him and with a quick grateful smile, she escaped from the house.

As the door closed behind her, cutting her view from him. George's expression changed from peaceful to dark, with his violet eyes swirling with thoughts. He seemed older suddenly, as if the mask he wore kept him in a youthful appearance. Now, his jaw was sharper, his lips thinned, and his eyes narrowed slightly to reveal premature wrinkles crinkling the edges.

The store on the outside didn't look like much from the outside, but as soon as you entered Fantasia Crystals it was extraordinary. The energy from the crystals, symbols, and objects caused goose bumps to rise all along Alice's arms. The static of magic in the air was unmistakable. Alice glanced around, knowing a few of the items but not all of them. A woman came up towards her; she was shorter with black hair piled atop her head with thick-rimmed glasses balancing on a petite nose, tattooes covering her arms. "Hi there! Anything I can help you with?"

"Would Marjorie be in by chance?" Alice asked, smiling.

"Yeah! Let me get her! Does she know you?" the girl asked, looking slightly protective.

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