Operation Haizun

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Part Four: Kyle

He seriously started digging the cemented flooring and I could blame him entirely for what happened but he had no time to mind me.

"Fuck this all Beheader," I sighed.

"Just shut up if you can't take me down."

I think I had the wrong interpretation of what he said because an urge forced me to attack him with my spear. "Want me to 'take you down'?"

Either way, I don't care. But he, by some chances of miracle, did not bother to look at me and continued digging. The strong impact from below a while ago must have really worried him so much. As much as I want to show him a piece of me, I did not feel like doing it now.

That girl must not die. She helped someone who tried to kill her. She opened a new door for me. She might be a natural perfectionist but she has a heart no one could match.

My blood froze when another tremor shook the ground from the north. It was too strong I doubt that it was that girl's doing except... I don't want to say.

Then it all happened way too fast that moment. He was stabbed.

A ball appeared from behind me and started multiplying and jiggling. "I stabbed the wrong one."

"Kyou!" I called to him who defended my back with his back. We were both taken by that underground shock and we did not even notice the enemy come. Kyou even forgot that he has a scythe and ran to my back.

"Asshole," he grumbled.

He avoided the ball coming for his face and had a better look at the person who stabbed him. "Vas, the guardian of the master," the gay with thick make-up introduced himself. I never saw him personally before, but as the rumors say, he's the fourth guardian. He's luckily not the strongest.

My brain worked and I kicked Kyou aside. "I got this, man," and gave him an eye contact that he must hurry to wherever Lycel was.

I noticed the disgust in his face when he stood up. "Die- with that clown," then ran off remembering his princess. I heard the familiar 'tsk' as he ran away. I hope that a stab on the gut would not kill him that easily. I could only handle guardians not in third rank or higher so I could probably kick this gay's ass. Not so confidently, I never learned to be confident completely even after the princess' advice.

Vas and I looked at each other and I soon realized why he did not even bother to stop him. This time, my arteries stopped functioning.

That idiot ran west—to the master's room. Didn't he know where the tremor came fromn and didn't I signal him to the north? I wondered how this good for nothing, no sense of direction, skinny, and cocky kid even survive in Velonia for long. Could he fight the master in that condition? Really, I must have not let him go.

That was not entirely the problem. The princess was caught up with something there underground and no one is going to rescue her. If she dies, gran would die. I wonder how that logic worked but trust me. Gran would not be able to take death of nice people. She's not that dumb and I hope that she would still survive at least before someone comes to her aid.

"So you're Krul," he raised an eyebrow at me that gave me chills on the spine. Not only is he a foot taller than me, he is also... well you know- GAY.

"You probably find me handsome." I taunted.

"Oh please, I like Shiina," but he responded with mere disgust.

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