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"I want to go", Jongdae thought as he was sitting in a café with Minseok. Eating ice cream with the other.

But all he wanted to do was just to run really REALLY far away.

People might ask why, because the situation sounded pretty normal. Just like a causal date you would have with your boyfriend.

Well... it would be normal, if people wouldn't stare at Jongdae like he would be meat or something similar to that. If the boys and girls wouldn't flirt with him every two minutes and ignore his obviously furious boyfriend. And if Minseok wouldn't be ogling him with such a scary and dark look.

So, if all those things wouldn't happen, then it would be a causal date. But it obviously wasn't. It was in fact the most awkward and embarrassing date he'd ever had with his boyfriend.

Because all that made Jongdae blush madly and he just wanted to disappear in a black hole to hide his shame and never come out of it again. And he wanted it like... NOW.

But he knew that this wasn't possible, which forced him to make the best out of the situation. If that was even possible at that time.

Jongdae then decided to eat his ice cream as fast as he could to get out of there. But his attempt failed, because he almost chocked on it and he began to cough roughly as he got even redder by drawing even more attention toward him.

God... why did they have to stare so intensely towards them?...

The younger tried to just ignore it and ate the rest of the ice cream as hastily as before. Not caring, if it sounded like he was dying. He indeed wished he would.

Just as he was about to finish something grabbed his wrist and stopped him from doing so. When he looked up, he saw that it was Minseok, who even tightened his grip, when their eyes met.

"We are going home", he said in a low and intimidating voice, which made Jongdae's questions die down in his throat. He didn't even dare to make a noise as Minseok's dark gaze intensified with every passing second.

So he just nodded and the next moment he was dragged up and out of the café as Minseok hastily left the money on the counter on their way out.

Even on their way to Minseok's car he didn't take the risk to say a word and just quietly seated himself in it. But the murdering feeling in his gut didn't go away on their way home. It, in fact, got worse with the mortifying silence that lingered between them. And Minseok's fast and inattentive driving style didn't help either.

Jongdae felt anxious. He asked himself, if he had done something wrong. Something that could might have angered his boyfriend. Or if he had behaved inappropriately. All those questions swirled around in his head, making the urge to say something stronger with every passing minute.

But one glance over to the older signalized Jongdae that he better shouldn't say anything at all.

His boyfriend looked so pissed and frustrated that he feared one word could make the situation escalate. So he just remained quiet the next fifteen minutes on their drive home.

When they finally arrived the mood seemed to be at rock bottom completely, which made Jongdae kind of sad and upset. He definitely had not planned for their date to end like this.

It made him feel like a complete failure as a boyfriend and he already decided to apologize to Minseok. And to kill Baekhyun on the next day for that stupid idea.

He should have never trusted him. He had known all along that this would be boing to be a complete flop. Absorbed in his thoughts they entered his house and Jongdae knew, what he had to do.

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