3. Chapter

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Jongdae's eyes shot open, before he immediately shut them close again. Groaning from the sharp light that burned in his eyes, since he wasn't quite used to it.

He blinked a few times, before his eyes finally adjusted to it and gave him the possibility to look around. The boy noticed almost straight away that he was in an unfamiliar room... and lying on an unfamiliar bed.

His heart began to beat erratically as he tried to stand up. But as he set himself up a sharp pain ripped through his wrists that made him hiss. Jongdae withdrew his hands instantly to not put any more pressure onto them.

That's when he noticed that they were fully bandaged and he wondered why they were.

And then, like a thunder that would have pierced through his whole body, he tensed up as he remembered.

He remembered everything that had happened in the school's restroom.

Him crying and the boys assaulting him.

At this thought his hand immediately grabbed the spot on his throat, where the alpha had wounded him. When he traced his fingers over the huge band-aid he twitched a bit. The wound still hurt and made his body tremble a little from the obnoxious feeling that formed in his gut.

He felt disgusted and ashamed from what the guys had done to him. From how they had done it to him.

But it was near-instant replaced by a warm and affectionate one, as he remembered Minseok saving and protecting him. How the taller had embraced him tightly and had made him feel secure.

To speak from the devil, where was Minseok anyway?

Jongdae looked a second time around the room and he realized that it was Minseok's. That he was in Minseok's house. Lying, or rather sitting, on.... his bed.

A light blush creeped upon his face at the thoughts that came into his mind and he tried to push them away with shaking his head lightly.

So... when he was here, where was Minseok?

He curiously looked around the room another time and cautiously stood up. His body still ached and he felt sore from the previous events, but he kept on going. Jongdae walked out of the room and was met with a pleased smell, which he followed into the kitchen.

As he arrived, he saw Minseok standing in the room. Cooking kimchi spaghetti along with salad and bulgogi. He wanted to approach him, but stopped, when he saw how tense the older became, when he felt his presence.

"Don't come near me, please", the taller said with a cold voice.

Jongdae got confused and his face distorted in hurt at the comment. "W-What?... Why? I....", he tried to retort and took another step forward, but halted, when he heard Minseok's growl.

"Please, Jongdae. It is better for the both of us. I am not in my right mind at the moment", the older added sternly. By that Jongdae stopped protesting and he muttered a quiet "Yes", before he turned around and left the room.

He walked over into the living room and seated himself at the dining table.

What had he done wrong? Why was Minseok so cold to him? He couldn't understand it and it made him feel kind of lost and hurt.

After Jongdae had eaten and cleared up the table a really uncomfortable silence fell upon the room as he approached Minseok on the sofa.

But the older flinched away again. Not even daring to take one single glance at Jongdae and that had the younger boiling with anger.

Why was Minseok avoiding him like that? He had done nothing wrong! He hadn't hurt the others' feelings! He hadn't ripped the other's heart into thousand pieces! So why the fuck was Minseok acting towards him like that?

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