Chapter two

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S.H.I.E.L.D was the first to pick up the energy signature that appeared on the radar in multiple locations. Nick fury was not a happy man at the start of the day, they already had the green goblin escape today AND The Rhino. But having to go eight- no nine locations to investigate he was just ready go home.

"I need a status report" Fury ordered as he walked into the control room. "What's going on and who's doing what?"

"Sir! We sent Spider-mans team to go investigate the signature in the park, and The Avengers have been reported going to investigate the one in the Savage land, we're sending agents to the other locations, except two"

Nick fury paused. "And why is that?" He asked, crossing his arms, his patience was already thin as it was, it was probably paper at this point.

"The last one is in Latveria and the other is uh in space? I think" The agent replied looking at him.

"...I'll try to contact Doom to see if we can send some S.H.I.E.L.D agents to investigate in his country, but for now do not issue any order for a trip to Latveria" Nick fury said. "And there isn't much we can do about the one in space, we'll get to that later"

"Yes sir!" The agents all left quickly and Nick fury sighed in annoyance, looking out the window, staring at the seemingly peaceful city.

Spider-Man landed on his feet in the park of New York, Powerman, Iron fist and White Tiger stood beside him while Nova floated over.

"What's the deal? Nothings here!" Nova exclaimed, flying around, the blue light trailed behind him. "Like literally, what are we looking for. A rock?"

"Can it Bucket head" Spider-man replied, messing with his web shooter, it had jammed on the way there earlier. "S.H.I.E.L.D picked up the signature somewhere around here, spread out, maybe we can find something and it will most definitely not be a rock."

Nova shrugged and they split up, taking about 30 minutes before Iron Fist called the others to his location. "I found something!" Iron fist called them over, he pointed to a man who..
In general looked strange, and the Gas Mask was creeping Nova out. The man was playing with a bunch of flowers, making them into crowns and then burning them up. To say that this man didn't set off red flags was a lie since Spider-mans Spidey senses kept going off. Powerman slowly walked up to the strange man and tapped it's shoulder.

Pyro was busy letting the bubbles making the flowers look pretty when he/she or it looked behind himself to see a new friend!

Powerman swiftly pulled back when The Pyro maniac turned around aiming his flamethrower at him. "Mphh mph!" It exclaimed.

"Uh oh" Spider-man said to himself as Powerman dodged a whole lot of flames while the man giggled creepily. He leaped into a tree and webbed up the flamethrower. "Hey it's bad to play with fire pal! You could burn someone! Or yourself?"

Pyro looked up at the silly Spider person and giggled, so he wanted to play to!

Spider-man tensed when the man melted the webs right off his flamethrower. "Uh oh...This is bad" he turned tail and ran with fire nearly scorching his butt.

Meanwhile The Avengers were informed of something going on in the Savage land. So leaving Hulk and Thor behind to protect the city, with strict orders from Tony to NOT break anything, they quickly went to go check out what was going on.

"So we're going to the Savage land, with a bunch of deadly dinosaurs to investigate something that MIGHT be dangerous?" Hawkeye asked and Iron man looked up. "What if it's just nothing"

"Hawkeye, the signature Friday picked up was interesting in my opinion but it could be radioactive gas Or...." Iron man started than paused.

"Or it could be nothing" Black widow said, crossing her arms.

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