"Either way" Captain America said. "We still need to be on full guard, the Savage land is full of danger. Most of that danger Being dinosaurs" he turned to look out the window.

"Speaking of dangerous things-" Falcon started but Hawkeye cut him off by standing up straight and pointing out the window.


Iron man turned towards the window and almost cursed when the jet shook from the impact of something hitting it. "What was that?!"

Hawkeye ran up front and took control of the jet. "We're being attacked by dragons or- whatever!" He yelled, moving them to avoid more Pterodactyls, he scowled a bit in annoyance.

"Pterodactyls Hawkeye" Falcon corrected shaking his head a bit. "That's what they are, they aren't dragons."

"Whatever" Hawkeye yelled back, the jet shook again from another impact. "Oh- We are now going down- STARK!"

"It took out the engine" Iron Man informed when he checked out the status of the jet, he shifted to look over at Clint. "That'll be a issue"

"I know! We're going down!" Hawkeye yelled back as he tried to stable the ship, but unfortunately the controls weren't working anymore. "Brace for impact"

"Falcon! With me" Iron man said. "We're going to try and slow this thing down so the impact on the ground won't be so hard"

"Got it" Falcon said, both he and Iron Man flew out the side of the ship and out in front. Both grabbed the front of the jet and pushed forward to try and stop the fall, but the impact on the hard ground of the Savage land was hard enough to knock Hawkeye out of his chair and Captain America to stumble, Black widow was fine since she had her seatbelt on.

"Everyone alright?" Iron Man called and Hawkeye stood up. "Yeah we're fine" he said jumping off the jet and landing in the mud. "Ew..." The captain was more graceful in his landing and so was Black Widow.

"We had to leave Thor at home?" Hawkeye complained, wiping the mud off of his pants. "The landing would've been so much smoother-"

"Over here!" Falcon called, he was standing beside a large, unconscious bald man. "I think he's still alive, is this where the signal is coming from"

Tony checked his scanners and nodded slightly. "Yeah, it's strange how one guy caused a huge dot to pop up on radar though"

"What's a fat guy doing in the Savage land?" Hawkeye asked walking over with a raised eyebrow, bow and arrow ready just in case something happened.

"Not fat" Iron Man said, scanning the man. "Well technically Muscle fat by the looks of it" he looked over at Clint before pausing to listen to his A.I

"Sir, The man appears to be awakening" Friday informed and Iron man looked as the large man groaned.

"Ah...where is Heavy?" The man asked sitting up, rubbing his head like he had a headache. Probably did if he had fallen and knocked himself out on something.

"Even speaks like Hulk...kinda" Hawkeye whispered to Falcon who only nodded.

Suddenly Heavy snapped into reality quickly. "Where is Sasha?" He stood up and looked around.

"Who-" Hawkeye started but was cut off as the large man grabbed him by the neck and slammed him into a tree.

"Why me..."

"Where did you put Sasha tiny man?!" Heavy yelled.

"Woah woah! Calm down big guy!" Captain America said, he could tell that this guy was confused like he had been when he first woke up after being frozen for so long. Heavy looked at the captain them dropped Hawkeye who gasped in air.

Steve stepped back when Heavy got into his face. "Where. Is. Sasha?" He threatened.

"We don't know who and where Sasha is Sir, but we have questions of our own, why are you here in the Savage land" Steve tried to defuse the situation and it seemed to be working as Heavy blinked and leaned back, everyone relaxed except Hawkeye and Widow.

"I do not know, big flash, then here" Heavy replied, he spread out his arms for effect. "Like explosion"

"So you just ended up here without remembering?" Tony said, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. "Like an explosion knocked you all the way here?"


"That doesn't make sense" Tony uncrossed his arms and let out a sigh as his faceplate went up. "I'll look into it later or something.."

"We'll help you find Sasha in the meantime, what does she look like?" Captain America asked curiously. "Is she a person?"

"Sasha is not person" Heavy replied, shaking his head in response to the question. 

Iron Man tilted his head. "Is Sasha a pet than, maybe a dog or a goldfish?" He couldn't imagine this guy running around carrying a goldfish in a bowl everywhere.





"No, Sasha is my gun" Heavy said.

"Wait wait wait, gun?" Falcon said as Black widow and Hawkeye looked at each other. "What kind of gun, pistol or-"

"Machine gun" Heavy said again, nodding towards Falcon. "Sasha is machine gun"

"Never heard of anyone naming their weapon but uh We'll help you find Sasha but can you come with us?" Captain America asked and Heavy looked at him hard before nodding.

"Da, I can"

Meanwhile in Latveria

Victor looked up from his throne, getting the alert of intruders in his domain he stared at the cameras for a moment before tapping his fingers on the armrest. "Interesting" Doom mused as he check the computers after getting the alert of an intruder. "I suppose a meet and greet is in order" he walked off with a dark chuckle.

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