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"Dhruv, can you get me coffee from across the street? Thanks! That voice of hers.. I can't get that out of my head. NEVER. EVER. Probably that made me to unarguably obey. I know her from high school. Riya used to be the talk of school, creating high grades in exam, being bold in public speaking, actively involved in sports and can be so flawlessly beautiful with her cute pony tails. Many guys used to ogle at her especially when she sits with her tiffin box under the tree in front of our school library. "Dhruv, sit with me, come here, have some sandwich! Mum made my favourite chicken slice with egg poach today! You should try this! That one sentence made me on top of the world! Every single guy try so much to woo her, but all she wanted is just to spend some time with me. How sweet is that. "Lucky me", I always thought to myself.  "Dhruv, sit here, don't go anywhere! Listen to this. Guess what, we have a new neighbour opposite our house! And that's how she starts. She always have something new to say. Her eyes shines like marble whenever she speaks. Her habit of showing gestures while speaking is adorably cute. Even better, when she rubs her feet on my shin. Fuck. Great time to be alive.

Monday morning, 8.54am.

I was sitting under the tree. Riya texted me yesterday to wait here, she told me that she has a surprise for me. I think I can guess. Riya loves me! Oh my god, this gonna be such a memorable day! A high school hottie is in love with a nerdy and laidback guy, which is me! Man, everyone will definitely feel jealous! Raj will freak out. Kuhan is not going to believe it. He became the class leader just for a sole reason to impress her with his leadership! Time to fly high man, Riya loves Dhruv! What a match made in heaven! Let's do this! Shaam, my senior, heartthrob of high school. Girls love him like candy! He looks so fine, even sometimes I do get insecured of him. Damn it. Now I don't have to worry anymore.. Just that i thought to myself, 100 years!! I see him.


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