Chapter 2

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*After a few months*

Lia's POV

I got up early due to jai because he called me up at 7 in the morning. Me and jai are dating, he asked me out after a week after dinner. I picked up the call, he told me he wanted to meet up urgently at the park near us. I was confused but anyway i got up and just wore my sweatpants and my grey t-shirt on. I put my hair in a messy bun. It was quite cold so i put my hoddie on and i left. I saw a figure in the park, he was quite tall, it was jai.

He turned back and looked at me. He hugged me and started crying hysterically, i'm not even exaggerating. I made him sit on the bench and asked him what happened. He told me "My-y mother died." All i could say was "what?" Though i didn't know his mum so well, still i had met her many times. She was the sweetest. How could this even happen. I was tearing up by now. We spoke for some more time.

Lucy's POV

I just woke up and the time was 9am. Anyway i didn't really care because it was a sunday. I went to the kitchen to have my cereal. I finished my cereal and thought of waking Lia up as it is too late now. I went inside her room and found no one. "Um thats strange because Lia isn't a morning person" i said to myself. She wont go out at this time. I dialed her phone and the front door opened. Lia had come back and she was crying? Huh? Why the hell was she crying? I ran to her and shook her for an answer, she was stuttering " Jai-i's m-mum died" was all i could hear. What? Jai's mum died? How is that even possible. She was quite young. Though i didn't know her, i had been to their house once for dinner.


*2 weeks after dinner*

I was sitting on the couch and watching mean girls on Netflix when Lia sat next to me and told me we are going to Jai's house for dinner tonight. I whined saying noooo. And obviously she convinced me. We got dressed. I wore a black dress with a small bow attached to the middle. I bought it just a few days ago. I let my straight hair fall to the back. We left the house and were in the car. Lia put on some radio. We reached within 15mins. Their house was huge.

We rang the door bell and got greeted by Jai. As we entered the house it smelled like italian food was being cooked. I love italian food. We reached the hall and were greeted by a tall, mature looking boy with green eyes and hair swept to the side of this forhead. He looked like he was in his 20's maybe 21. He introduced himself as beau. He kissed my hand. Wow what a gentleman. He was cute and all but i couldn't find the main guy, Luke. He was no where to be seen. I nudge jai and asked him where Luke was. Jai hesitated at first but he told me "Luke is in his room" oh so he won't come for dinner? I don't know why but i felt sad. My thoughts were interrupted by a sweet voice, a lady's voice. She said her name was Gina. She was their mum. We met other two guys. Omg how big is this family. The tall one introduced himself as James and the other one introduced himself as Daniel but he asked us to call him skip. They were jai, beau and Luke's friends. Though skip and James were cousins. I like them both. They were quite funny and cute. But i really wanted to see Luke so badly.

After an hour i got bored. We didn't have our dinner yet. And no Luke yet. I asked beau "Where is Luke?" He told me "He is upstairs and we aren't allowed to go into his room!" Okay that's weird. He doesn't allow his own family to go into his room. I shrugged it anyway. I wanted to go to the washroom so i asked Jai. He told me first floor to the left. I stood up and went upstairs. I went to the extreme left and saw a door. I thought that was the washroom. As i got closer and closer the strange feeling around Luke came back. I twisted the nob of the door. It wasn't the washroom. It was a dark room. I couldn't see anything. I closed the door immediately because i got scared for some reason. The door opened and my wrist was held tight. The person holding my wrist was Luke. His eyes were darker than usual. It was black but not completely, partially. He held it every tight, my wrist was hurting. I whined telling him to leave my wrist. He said through gritted teeth "What are you doing here? Who allowed you into my room?" He looked angry. I answered in almost a whisper "I was searching for the washroom." He looked at me and said in anger " Don't you dare step into my room again." His voice was heavy and scary. I said "okay" i was almost about to cry. He let go of me and i ran downstairs. I went and sat in my original place. He wasn't the Luke i met in the dinner. I mean he wasn't Luke at all. Jai looked at me with concerned eyes and he looked at my wrist. He said he would talk to me about it later. We had dinner and then we were about to leave. When Lia wanted to go to the washroom. She went into jai's room with jai. Gina possibly went into her own room and skip, james and beau had gone somewhere. I was standing alone near the door. I was walking around observing the corridor when suddenly i was pulled into a small store room i guess? By Luke. I was scared frankly. He held my jawline and tucked my hair behind my ear. He said in a whisper "You look so pretty." I could only blurter out a 'thank you' He pinned me against the wall and our foreheads were touching. I was feeling nervous around him. I was feeling good at the same time. I closed my eyes and he kissed my cheek quite passionately. We heard foot steps coming down from the stairs. Luke cursed under his breath and pushed me out. Lia and Jai came down and then me and Lia left.

*FlashBack Over*

What is Luke? Bipolar? He was angry and scary and the most sweet and ideal boy the next minute. I loved the dinner but the Luke part was so confusing and the best at the same time. I wouldn't just want to forget it, i think i would want to talk to him. I haven't even told Lia about it. I guess i would let it be for now. I'm scared though. Lia said we would have to go for the funeral. The thought of meeting Luke again was making me nervous, but the urge to meet him was uncontrollable.


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