Chapter 9

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Melanie Dom Georgia and Linda all sat on the couch now, Dom conversations with Linda about himself trying to not further upset Linda, but Melanie was over it completely " okay and your father lives in the neighborhood?" " yes ma'am, a few blocks from here" Melanie's eyes went to Dominic. Is that why he knew things about her when they first spoke? How she didn't have a boyfriend and how she loves reading, he probably saw her on her porch a lot, reading some poem book that she's been reading since she was young, ripped pages and torn covers. So he really was a stalker. Melanie chuckled, wondering what else she didn't know about the boy she had just made out with" and you?" Melanie's head snapped towards her mother,scolding her while Dominic gripped her arm for support,gulping" I'm 18 next month" Melanie said nonchalantly, causing the whole room to gasp except Dom who looked surprised- well,even she was surprised " MELANIE DAWSON ! How dare you use that as an excuse " " mom what did I do wrong? Have I ever had a boyfriend" Georgia made a face as if she was agreeing with Melanie and Linda looked between the two a bit helpless " I've never kissed a boy other than Rodney across the street when I was nine, I haven't ever slept with anyone and I barely even invite Stacy over, Name what I did wrong please" Melanie was shocked at how strong she was being, she sort of felt like it was because of Dom being supportive to her and being by her side, whereas Dom was shocked that she was this headstrong, Dom couldn't ever go against his dad even when his father was making him do things that were bad for him. Melanie had spoken to him about her mother being toxic to her so he knew what she was doing was the first time she had spoken up for herself "well you're right I guess" Melanie's mom couldn't say anything BUT that. She was happy the girl had found a respectful boy who could sit down and have a conversation with her and happy that Melanie had waited until she was an adult to start dating - it wasn't like all the other Wattpad stories of parents letting the kids do whatever they want, Melanie was genuinely a good kid who was respectful and intelligent, and her mom understood that she couldn't stay a kid forever- " I'm sorry we had to meet like this" Dominic said in the room full of girls, all looking at him- Georgia with a little smirk- " well better late than never am I right? I'm Georgia, Melanie's big sister"Georgia pulled her hand from around her sweater and put it right in-front of Dominic in a sort of teasing way,winking at him" yeah,my married sister" Melanie pulled her hand away from Dominic,rolling her eyes "not yet" Linda laughed" would you like to stay for dinner Dominic ?" " no ma'am I'm sure my fathers worried, it's past ten" Dominic lied" oh god I completely forgot ! Alright well I'll let Melanie walk you out,it was nice meeting you" Dominic and Linda said goodbye, Melanie pushing him out of the door before Georgia could ask anything else.

" hey I'm sorry about all of that" he pulled her into his chest and kissed her long " I got to meet your family, that's the coolest fucking thing ever. And they're completely cool" " yeah, just wait until you leave I won't hear the end of it about how you're a bad boy" he chuckled " I'm sorry you couldn't meet TJ Nathan, he's at a friends tonight" " he's got the coolest name " "mhm" Melanie stared into the green eyed boys eyes and felt so different than she usually felt, so much more free and happy than usual " do you really have to go? You can't sneak into my room through the window and make out with me?" Dominic chuckled,running his hands down her back soothing her " I don't know maybe I can make an exception" the girl looked at him excitedly, pulling him towards the back " Melanie " he laughed at how eager his girl was " what !" She shouted laughing also " I have to go,maybe we can hang out tomorrow when you're well rested" " but I wanna cuddle" Melanie fell on his chest,looking up at him with dough eyes "tomorrow I'm going to take you out, how's that?" She pulled away,pouting" fine" Melanie headed towards the door but Dom gripped her arm, pulling her back to him" hey you're forgetting something" " I'm not forgetting anything mister dad " Dominic laughed so hard he bent over,pulling her with him" come on" he placed his hands on the sides of her face, kissing her softly. Dominic realized how much she meant to him, not like he didn't think about it all the time. He pulled away.

" I'll see you" he walked off of the porch" I guess so" " you guess so?" Melanie laughed, walking inside of the house " goodnight Dominic" " goodnight Melanie "

Both of them hadn't realized how much they'd changed with each other and how much happier they made one another from the lives they had before hand. As the author, I think they'd completely forgotten about their lives before one another

But will it stay happy like that forever?

Higher Places In Mind - YUNGBLUD - DOMINIC HARRISON-Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu