Chapter 1

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"the bookstore? of all places ,the bookstore ?" Melanie Dawson scoffed at her mother on her job suggestion " I think it would be a LOVELY first job" her mother,with groceries from the local super market in hand , turned towards her with an eyebrow shot up" mom-" " your father worked there ,My mom worked there and your little brother loves the books" " so that's it,I'm going so I can get TJ free books?" her mother groaned,eager to go inside and rid herself of her daughter and the heavy groceries that were tucked between her chest and forearm " honey" she huffed when she released the groceries on the counter " please just try it out , you know what that cute boy on your wall always says " the only way to go now is up" what's his name? Taylor? " Melanie sighed hard, astonished at her moms lack of remembrance for the boy on her wall that her mother has asked about at least one million times " Jesse... Jesse from the Neighborhood " " one month is all i'm asking for sweetie, and i'll fund your expensive college classes and shopping sprees and emo albums " Melanie couldn't help but laugh at this " okay mom, okay. One month"


" Mel, you've got the shift for five to ten" Melanie's eyes grew big and she rushed to follow her manager Samantha who, for a fifty year old woman,was walking exceptionally fast "I- I can't I've got a " Melanie paused as the owner pulled on her jacket " I've got a party to go to at that frat house " "kappa nine?" " Uh,yeah" her and Samantha looked at each other for what seemed hours before Samantha burst into laughter " how do you know that place? " " really? You're the only person who hasn't gone there, that was the hot spot when I was young , come on one night shift won't kill you" Melanie sighed " Alright,You're right "

It was a little past nine thirty and Melanie had gone through most of her shift quietly,not a lot happened in those few hours just a few costumers who didn't make any noise or ruckus. As she got ready to close the shop down , grabbing her phone from the front desk in walked a boy dressed in all black, hair jet as he walked to the mythology section of the library,grabbing about seven books and walking towards her. "Hello" she said hastily, looking at him in shock at his rapidness "How do I get these books?" he semi- shouted , causing her to jump slightly "you can rent them for a few days or buy t-'  " I'd like to buy... everything "  She looked up at his face and he was looking right at her. His eyes were jet green and they shined under the twitching ceiling light that should've been replaced a long time ago .His eyes were glued to hers also, he'd never seen such light brown eyes before in his life "he was right " he whispered " huh?" Melanie looked up at him as she scanned the books " nothing" his attention averted to the vegan burger place across from the book store " hm " he mumbled " here you are, forty dollars please " he handed her a hundred dollar bill,grabbed the books and left. She sat there,looking between the hundred dollar bill and the window " who was right?"

" who could he be talking about?" Georgia, Melanie's sister shouted over the " I don't know.. so strange " " no it's not strange ! I think you've got a secret admirer ! " " No Georgia ! he doesn't go to our school, he doesn't come to the bookstore until tonight and I've never seen this man a day in my life " "man ? Whoa Mel that sounds serious, have you called the cops? how does he look" " no G not like that, he's just- different" " okay Mel, whatever you say,How's mom?" " I don't know why don't you ask her yourself?" "come on Mel" the line grew silent and for a second Mel forgot she was even on the phone with her sister " she still talking about dad?" "Georgia, that was the love of her life . I think she's traumatized" Georgia sighed " I would come back it's just " "yeah yeah I know ' we don't pair up ' " " You know it best Melanie" Georgia chuckled dryly, and once again it grew silent " I'll talk to you later " "okay... love you Melanie, take care of her " the line clicked and Melanie fell on her bed,groaning from the nauseating day. She soon found her eyelids draping closed, becoming to tired to recognize the familiar feeling of sleep.

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