Chapter 13

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After Dominic had told Melanie everything- all the childhood stories, the times him and her father would talk about her and even when her dad wrote a song about her with him-Melanie cried in his arms. Melanie knew her father loved her,but being reminded of how much he loved her made her heart ache. She knew no one would love her like her dad. Dominic held her in his arms and cried also, Melanie's father was the highlight of his weeks when he was a kid in England, between the fights his mother and father had and him having to take care of his younger sisters, he never had a break. Dominic had a troubled youth with not many friends as he was labeled by most as the bad boy. He had never felt true love nor did he exert it, he stayed that way to stay safe from hurt and people, because people's words hurt more than anything else.

For so long Dominic felt like he'd never get the chance to feel love, not until he met Melanie.

Melanie sat up and looked him in his eyes, tears strolling down hers " you promise you won't ever keep anything from me ever again?" Dominic quickly wrapped his arms around her " never again " he knew what that promise meant. Dominic remembered his father, waiting at home to scold him or beat him over Melanie, Dom sighed " Melanie I have to get going " " I'm not going to let you go over there to get abused " his face turned red " what do you mean ?" " he said he was going to teach you a lesson when we were walking out, you were halfway to the car by then " Dominic groaned, not knowing what to tell the girl he'd promised to tell everything to " Dominic please " " Melanie, what am I going to do? You want me to run away ? Are you going to take me away from my problems ?" Melanie sat up, not even phased by the harsh words Dominic was now spitting out " if you want " he snapped his head towards her " what ?" She sat up to the end of the bed and he bent down in between her legs, gripping them " if you want-" " Melanie were both under twenty one-" "but we're both eighteen" " you're not" " next week" Dominic looked into her eyes in search of the 'gotcha' or 'I'm joking' . He didn't find what he was looking for " Melanie are you kidding me " " no, I want to be with you and I hate my life already, I'd rather be with you than be without you or have you getting abused daily because of me " "okay" he grasped it " okay?" "Okay" he shook his head and Melanie squealed. Dominic leaned up and kissed her quick, hands still firm on her legs but this time he was spreading them apart. He'd grown so addicted to the girl he didn't realize how much he wanted her even in that moment. And he really wanted her.

Melanie pulled at the back of his hair and grabbed his back,trying to pull him closer to her lips and her body and Dominic pressed his heated area up to hers,eager for something. Melanie moaned and pulled his hoodie above his head" babe " "what?" She said quickly, mad that he removed her lips from his " I don't have a condom" Melanie stared up at him now with angry eyes " I didn't want to sleep with you anyway mister 'I'm a bad boy I always carry condoms unless I need one' Dominic grinned into her collarbone" you wanna go for some ice cream and talk out what we're going to do?" " yeah" she pulled his hoodie down on his head " I think we should wait until I'm eighteen, a week to get my family affairs in check,More time to spend with TJ " he nodded, lifting her off the bed from her legs and picking her up, her wrapping her legs around his waist " I agree, I'll make sure everything's okay financially before then" " I can help" " no,I can do it on my own baby,Just focus on where we're going,how you want to get there and where you want to stay" " how are we even going to finance all of this?" " don't worry about it"

Little did Melanie know, there was still secrets Dominic was keeping. Secrets that'd make her sick to her stomach if she knew a fraction about Dominic's life.

Higher Places In Mind - YUNGBLUD - DOMINIC HARRISON-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant