Chapter 3

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It was Saturday . Saturday Saturday . The day she'd sit with the green eyed boy who always seemed like he was out of time and have an actual conversation with him . She couldn't lie and say she wasn't stressed for the meeting , she had been in her closet looking for the perfect outfit since Friday,and of course- she had yet to find one. " Stace? " Melanie called Stacy's name through the phone , panic evident in her voice . Stacy's line was quiet and she could hear Stacy getting stuff together " I'm on my way , what's the style ?" " uhm casual with a little bit of 'I'm flirting with you' " Melanie sighed in relief as her friend told her she was coming and hung up . Melanie informed Stacy and Georgia about the date on three way and had to listen to the two girls squeal over the deets they wanted so bad . Mel told Stacy that she would get ready by herself and Stacy laughed over the phone for a good five minutes before realizing Melanie was telling the truth " oh Georgia remember when Melanie dressed herself for the Christmas ball in 2015? " Stacy snickered and Georgie burst out laughing, chiming in "mom said She came dressed like Cindy Who on bath salts " Melanie looked in the mirror as they died of laughter over the phone , too focused on what the green eyed boy would be wearing and if he'd bring anything fancy like a rose or something stupid she always saw in Stacy's soap operas .

" Stacy I look like a tramp and it's an hour until noon, can I go more casual ?" " yeah " Stacy walked over to her palette of eye shadow " if you don't want to get laid " " but that's the thing , I don't ! I just want to hang out with him and talk ,possibly learn things about each other,I'm not trying to sleep with anyone " " mhm " Stacy moved Melanie's hand from her cheek trying to wipe off all of the highlight " just trust me "

Melanie had somehow convinced Stacy that the whole operation was a flop and to let her wear a nice band t shirt and black jeans, but of course Stacy still did her make up and curled her hair. When she arrived at the bakery she looked in the window and saw Dom sitting in a chair near the cake pops, looking somewhat disheveled. She noticed quickly that his leg was shaking. When Melanie opened the door Dom quickly looked up and smirked , leg stopping as he stood up to greet her " hey " he said,pulling out her tall chair at the table" hi " she said back, noticing he wasn't wearing all black today. He had on a hoodie that was red and pink socks . Weird combination " how long were you waiting ?" Dom started playing with the spoon in his tea " mmm, five hours " Melanie caught herself almost choking while looking at the menu " Dom you aren't serious right ? Why didn't you call me ?" " we never gave out numbers remember ? And I'm just knocking you " he started laughing hard and everyone in the cafe looked at him like he lost his mind,but Melanie looked at him like he was the only one who had one " okay yeah yeah, you and my friend Stacy would be complete hits " " hm" he sighed,looking over at her when he was done with a steal smile on his face " know what you want yet ?" " whatever you want " she said without thinking,quickly lifting the menu over her face to hide her cheeks" I don't think you can have what I want " he whispered to himself behind the menu.

'Is he talking about ... me? No you've got to be fucking feeling yourself Melanie of course he isn't' Melanie mumbled to herself in her head ' but what if he is ?' " okay I'm getting two raspberry eclairs and a cup of tea for me and a boba for you " she scoffed " okay eclairs are great but boba? Really ? " " what ! You just look like the type !"

"So, where'd you move from ?" Melanie asked Dom as they strolled the side walk towards the beach,watching the sunset. They had decided to spend a few more minutes there after they ate at the Bakery Cafe " England " " really? Explains the accent" she chuckled and he looked at her lips for a few seconds. He decided she had the prettiest lips he's ever set eyes on " yeah man, my dad and mom split so it's me and my dad here and my mom and my sisters there" " but why'd he move you across the world ?" " you know adults, I guess it was to prove a point. To try and get away from my mother as fast as possible" " how do you feel about all of this?" Doms eyes glistened a bit under the sun, he looked at her like she had told him he won the lottery. No one has ever asked him how he'd felt, at least not last time he remembered " I don't even know,I just go where he goes now, call my mom and chat with me sisters sometimes but it's not the same as playing soccer with them in the back house ya know what I mean?" " yeah totally "

They finally made it to the beach right when the sun touched the water "wow, would you look at that " Melanie whispered " so Mel , tell me about yourself. Perfect child and perfect life I guess?" She nudged him and they both fell, laughing at their clumsiness " no,where do I start" she huffed " I live with a narcissistic mom who's afraid of letting me out of her grasp like she did my sister, a quiet brother who's still traumatized by my dads death and a sister who checks in every once in a while when its convenient " it grew quiet and she looked over to Dom to see him staring at her intently " I'm sorry " he lowered his head and whispered " it's fine " she whispered back " it's always been like this and when I turn eighteen in two month it'll end " " wow so you're betting everything on that ?" " yes of course" she laughed " I've saved up and I'm leaving the day after my birthday " " and going where ?" " fucking out of here,probably to England" she looked over at Dom and they both bursted into a fit of laughter " yeah okay i guess I'll go come you "

Dom dropped Melanie off back at her house since she was dropped off by Stacy . Stacy said that that was best so she could get laid in Doms car . Melanie told Stacy that that wasn't what she wanted. She was lying.

" I'm right here " Melanie smiled over at Dom as he slowed his car down in front of her garage " alright pretty lady, rate me " her cheeks grew red as she opened the door,facing her garage trying not to show " rate you what?" She leaned back in his car and he started playing with the stick shift " rate the date " the car grew quiet as Melanie sighed and thought if she should jokingly say 5, just to see that smile appear on his face again, she daydreamed so long she didn't even see his hand getting closer to hers,eager to touch the tan girls skin.

When Dom did so, Melanie's head shot towards him and she jolted whispering " 10 out of 9" they both looked at each other, hand to hand, eyes locked " Melanie ?" Melanie heard a familiar voice and she snapped her head towards her house only to see a person she thought she'd never see " Georgia ?" She quickly turned to Dom " thank you so much for this,I really have to go " his eyes grew big at how rapid she was talking " okay but call me" " okay " she got out of the car. Right before she slammed the door she flew back in and quickly kissed his cheek feeling him tense up" later" she closed his door without looking back at his reaction .

As Melanie headed up the driveway she prepared herself for what she knew would be the longest evening of her life. Her sister was back for the first time in three years, and her mom and brother hadn't spoken to her in two " lets get ready for the ride of a lifetime" Melanie whispered to herself, knowing it really would be.

Higher Places In Mind - YUNGBLUD - DOMINIC HARRISON-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora